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Postby Mike » August 8th, 2007, 10:49 pm

nickieluv wrote:but the funniest part was Mike and Diana were here and they were inciting me to eat pasta and soft serve ice cream. Telling me since I had one bite of pasta, and blew the day, I might as well have some ice cream since I love it.

We would never..... :roll:

We are glad it was a dream also. By the way, when we visit... no pizza and no ice cream !!!!!

Hope you had a great day (after you woke up). ;)
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Postby nickieluv » August 9th, 2007, 4:38 am

Yes, it was odd - you of all people! I imagine you represented something else, or someone else, I just don't know what or who yet.

Well - I was up until 1. BUT I feel better today - except for a headache, and I virtually never get headaches. Of course I'm back up again, after being down a little yesterday - I'm assuming it's the lack of sleep. You'd think I'd be panicking, being up still on Thursday - I feel kind of disconnected from the scale this week, though.

But of course I'm tired, although my patience seems to have come back. It's like some sort of switch was flipped, it was that quick.

I'm thinking about my doctor's appointments tomorrow. One is the eye doctor, so that's no biggie. But I'm wondering if my GP or GYN will weigh me. I know the GYN will - so then the question becomes - will she be supportive of my weight loss, or lecture me about how I still need to lose a lot more to be healthy? I don't think I could stand another lecture. They're so disheartening and really, insulting. Suppose there's no need to worry - but I am anyway.

Well, more posts to read - TTFN.
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Postby bikipatra » August 9th, 2007, 4:43 am

Mike wrote:We are glad it was a dream also. By the way, when we visit... no pizza and no ice cream !!!!!


Besides, Nicks only eats pizza delivered by HER delivery man. :hi5:
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Postby DogMa » August 9th, 2007, 7:46 am

I would think she'd be pleased by the weight loss. If she gives you a hard time about what you still have left to lose, just tell her it's not healthy - or possible - to drop it all overnight. Medifast losses are already faster than average. But I suspect she'll be encouraging and want to know what you're doing.

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Postby nickieluv » August 9th, 2007, 5:14 pm

OK, I see where you're going with this. Of all the things I had to be honest about, wanting to chat with the pizza boy is now one I wish I had omitted - you all are going to find where I'm buried some day and change the name on my husband's headstone to 'pizza boy,' aren't you? Well, my husband won't HAVE a headstone, so the joke's on you!! Bwa ha ha ha ha....

Yep, I'm still tired. Now I'm acting silly. And I have to watch a movie tonight because it's due back tomorrow and I can't stand to waste the money. And I can't watch it in the morning because it's too violent for the baby to see - it's really too violent for me to see, but it's part of a series that I've read all the books in, and seen all the movies but this one. So I wanted to watch it in the daytime but looks like it'll be now, and I'll have to go to bed with the lights blazing in every room....

I'm sure the doctor will be supportive tomorrow. I hope. It's just that my appointments have always been at least in part about having to lose weight. And it's always uncomfortable. So while *I* feel good, I know I still have 50 pounds to lose to be at a healthy weight, and I've never seen this particular doctor before (my regular doc was not available and I've already rescheduled this appointment twice in the last four months) so even though my weight will be in my chart, I'm afraid she won't see it and I'll get the lecture again. I don't know why I bother worrying about these things before they ever happen. It's so silly.

Now if she does notice - at this office I clocked in preggo at 278 once - so according to their records I will have lost over 80 pounds already. I won't mind fudging and taking credit for that number. I'm already rounding myself into the 70# club in conversations - it just sounds better to say 70 than to say 68. People don't really care that much, anyway, they want a round number so I oblige.

I am all focused on getting into the 160s now. It seems random but that's just the number my mind has picked to focus on. Anything in the 160s - I really glossed over that group of numbers, and the 170s, too - I remember distinctly being in the 150s most of high school, and the 180s when I got married - the rest is kind of a blur. Most of all it's just the excitement of knowing that I can do this, and that I'm GOING to do this. Being so sure of success is unusual for me and I still am not used to how good it feels. I feel like my goal is so close, now that I've tipped past the halfway point of my journey, and with school starting again soon I know the time will fly and I will be at goal and wonder how it all happened so fast. And it's so much easier to be compliant at school - I've established a routine there already, I know how to do it, so I won't have that transition period that I had at the beginning of summer trying to figure out how to make MF work in my life again.

AND - hubby might be on days before Labor Day!!!!!! I am very excited about that, because of the obvious reasons, and then also of course because the job that could open up would mean he would NOT have to take a cut in pay to go to days after all!! Please, anyone who's reading, keep us in your prayers - it seems such a selfish thing but we miss each other terribly and to have him on days would be a real blessing.

Well, I'm going to go watch my scary movie. With the lights on. And my water and my last shake so I don't have to get up in the middle. Why do I do this to myself? The movie will probably suck anyway. But here I go....
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Postby nickieluv » August 9th, 2007, 7:24 pm

Still not in bed. Still haven't begun the movie. Should just go to sleep - maybe I will. The movie was technically free, anyway, because I had a coupon. :D
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Postby nickieluv » August 10th, 2007, 5:09 am

Well, I stayed up and watched the darn thing. And wouldn't you know it, had to go to bed with the lights on (because I have too much imagination).

But it turns out this movie was based on a book, too - for some reason I thought the author had just written a screenplay right off the bat for this one. So I'm headed to the library this morning to get it, and a couple more if I can find anything good. They have the 'thin club' book now, but it's in another library and apparently you can't request it yet - maybe the listing is not complete, or when it's new they don't loan it to different libraries right away - I don't know. It sounds like something I should just buy, but I like to check these things out first before I pay money.

So I was up so late because I decided what I'm getting my husband for Christmas/Anniversary this year - and I am so excited I don't know how I'm going to wait over four months to tell him about it. I'll be socking away my piano lesson money to pay for it, and even that might not be enough - it's a terrific gift. He'll absolutely love it, I know he will. But it's a long time to wait and I am awful at keeping secrets. Anyway, I've got most everything figured out and now I just have to wait until I have the money to pay for it all. Until some of it is secured, I'll feel nervous about it - so hopefully by the end of October I can have everything lined up and ready to go.

And I got word from the hostess of my jewelry show tomorrow that she has 13 confirmed guests. I am very excited about that - maybe I can get a bunch of bookings and get back into a regular schedule with this thing. I see a lot of potential in it, I just haven't been making it a priority. But this is supposed to help us during my next maternity leave so I need to get it rolling. October will be a year since I started and I'm nowhere near where I wanted to be.

Anywho - I'm basically killing time until I can get my husband up, shower and get going with my day. I'm not looking forward to it - lots of waiting rooms, lots of boredom - the one bright spot is the eye doctor - I'm going to ask about getting disposables because I hardly wear contacts anymore, and it's a pain to keep all the cleaning stuff around when I could just pop in a pair and toss them in the trash that evening. Although I foresee problems - for a girl who used to search for hours to find the contact she dropped before telling her parents she lost it and needed a new one (and they were not so cheap at the time) it's a battle to throw them away even now, when I have the kind you toss every month (which I toss every three months because I wear them so seldom, and because I just can't casually throw them away. What's wrong with them? How come these have to be thrown away and they look just like the ones I used to have that were supposed to last a year? I don't get it).

Well, anyway, off I go. Sorry I've been so boring lately. Not sure why I'm typing so much about nothing. But hey, I'm typing and not eating, that's something at least.
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Postby bikipatra » August 10th, 2007, 5:25 am

nickieluv wrote:. They have the 'thin club' book now, but it's in another library and apparently you can't request it yet - maybe the listing is not complete, or when it's new they don't loan it to different libraries right away - I don't know. It sounds like something I should just buy, but I like to check these things out first before I pay money.


If you go to Amazon, you can usually read a few pages on a book they sell. Sorry about about the waiting you have to do-but look at it this way-no chance of snacking! As for the contacts I read a special report (don't know the veracity but sounds about right) that there really isn't a difference between permanent contacts and the three month ones. I get the three month ones so I have extras because I am so blind I drop them so it is worth the extra money. I also hate going with out contacts while waiting for them to be shipped. Just like my special breasts, I have extra special eyes. My Rx is never in stock. It's a toric lens 8.4/14.4 with an 8.00 sphere and a 1.75 cylinder. I just think I look so ugly in my glasses even though my husband says I look like a sexy librarian in them.
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Postby Serendipity » August 10th, 2007, 6:13 am

I saw that same report a few years ago. The only difference is the directions on the box! Even the disposable are the same. I think it was Dateline or some such program and they questioned the manufacturer who admitted as much.

They claimed it was because they wanted doctors to be able to choose who was responsible enough to use the extended wear and who needed to just throw them away for sanitation reasons. How gullible we are as consumers.
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Postby nickieluv » August 10th, 2007, 8:51 am

Well THAT'S very interesting! Now I don't feel so bad about using my disposables longer than they say to. I still want to ask about the dailies, though. How funny that they are exactly the same, but so much cheaper per pair when you buy the dailies! I would have the same copay no matter what I got, so I hope they can get me some in my prescription (I'm blind, too - probably legally, without corrective lenses - and I've had the torics but they took me off those - it keeps changing. I don't think my prescription strength, though, has changed much at all in the last 10 years or so. It got worse and worse all through childhood, though - I'm one of those that had glasses at 5 - and probably needed them sooner, but in the 70s I don't think they were so vigilant about these things). I'd also like to get colored ones - green - to enhance the bit of green I already have. Those seem to be expensive, though.

Well, I'll be leaving in a bit over an hour so I'm going to go spend some time with my husband. That day job that was in the works? A HUGE pay cut, almost half what he's bringing home now. So, no thanks on that one. Maybe another one will come along....
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Postby nickieluv » August 10th, 2007, 7:37 pm

Well, the day was long and tiring - and I am only just now able to see almost normally after the stupid eye drops they give you to dilate your pupils, and that was six hours ago. It was not a pleasant drive home.

I spent a lot of money today. Almost $400 on new glasses - which I called and left a message to cancel the order. I hope they can do that, and hold on to my check so I can take it back and write them a new one for just the $20 copay. I scheduled an appointment for a LASIK consultation and then realized - why am I spending a fortune on glasses that I might not even need? I hope they let me cancel them. I was there at the end of business - they literally locked the doors behind me on the way out - so I'm hoping nothing got sent out and it's not too late.

I don't have to go back for another thyroid check for 6 months - and my GP told me I don't have to bother with vitamins unless I am pregnant or breastfeeding - the MF is chock full of stuff, and I'm young and healthy so I really didn't need vitamin supplements in the first place. But then the GYN said I should take a folic acid supplement if I'm trying to get pregnant. So I'm going to not take the vitamins until we're seriously trying - that's my compromise. Even though at the GYN I saw a nurse and nurse practitioner that I had never seen before, they DID both look at my chart and the first thing the nurse said to me was 'other than losing a boatload of weight, how have you been?' I weighed in at 200 even on their scale, which I figure is about right with clothes and shoes and it being halfway through the day. So according to their records I've lost 71 pounds since my last appointment, and I don't remember exactly when that was - last April, I think. I'm looking forward to being at goal for my next appointment in February with the GP for the thyroid check. He didn't even ask to check my weight today - but if I'm at goal I figure he'll have to check it, he'll HAVE to notice!

Anyway, so back to spending money - I spent $40 on three pairs of shoes, already took one pair back (I decided $20 was too much for one pair - I'm a bargain basement gal) and I'm taking another back tomorrow - they looked good on my feet with pants on, but not anything else. I have wide feet no matter how much I try to fight it, and I need to wear shoes with sides unless they are totally flat. Heeled flip-flops are a disaster - but I bought them anyway because they were on sale....

Then I spent - I love this part - LESS THAN $100 for a dozen items of clothing. 1 dress with a sweater, 1 three-piece suit outfit, and all the rest were various tops - some long sleeve, some short. They are all appropriate for work and between what I bought today and what I already have, I should be set for clothes until winter really sets in. I also got my catalog order today - 3 skirts, 4 pairs of pants (including the leather ones!) and a sweater. Of all the clothes - what arrived in the mail and what I bought - virtually none of them fit me well enough to wear them in public. So I'm thrilled! I can't believe I'm actually HAPPY that I bought a bunch of clothes and they turned out to be too small - but in this case, it means I did well for transition. There are things that will definitely fit in three weeks when school starts, things that will take longer to fit, and there's even one pair of pants with so much stretch and relax action that I could probably be a size 8 and still wear them.

So anyway, I tried everything on and then stuffed it all back into bags and into the closet. I'll try it all on again just before school starts, as well as all the other things in my closet (winter stuff, too) and some things from my 'goal box,' and hang up whatever fits, give away what's too big, and pack up what's too small to try on in another month.

I have a new favorite store - I got all those great deals at Fashion Bug. AND I did not even glance at the plus sized section, which felt wonderful!!! I shopped all in the misses section, and I even bought all my tops in a large instead of an extra large (except for one sweater that looked like it was cut small). They had clearance racks, and things with orange stickers were an additional 40% off. Then if you applied for the credit card you got another 10% off everything, even if you weren't approved (which I knew I wouldn't be, but hey, it saved me another $11 so I did it, credit score be damned).

The part of today that I am not looking forward to is telling my husband what I spent on the glasses. So I'm just hoping that I can get it straightened out tomorrow morning and not tell him until I've got it taken care of. I don't know what I was thinking - why I even placed the order in the first place. I'm hoping I can ask them to just put the order on hold, rather than cancel it outright, until after my consultation - because I might not be a good candidate for the surgery, or I might not be able to afford it - all kinds of things could happen. But how dumb to order brand new glasses when you're considering surgery - I'll blame it on the eye drops - they must have numbed my brain or something.

Well, it turned into a 6-0 day today - my mother closed on her house and was doing painting there today, and I had to pick up the baby there, and of course you have to visit etc. - so I didn't do great with my spacing or my water today but no cheating in sight! I have officially beaten my old record of 33 days of compliance. Today is the end of day 34!!
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Postby Mike » August 10th, 2007, 10:54 pm

nickieluv wrote:
But it turns out this movie was based on a book, too - for some reason I thought the author had just written a screenplay right off the bat for this one.

So, now I am intrigued.... what was the movie?

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Postby bikipatra » August 11th, 2007, 3:24 am

Mike wrote:
nickieluv wrote:
But it turns out this movie was based on a book, too - for some reason I thought the author had just written a screenplay right off the bat for this one.

So, now I am intrigued.... what was the movie?


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Postby bikipatra » August 11th, 2007, 3:29 am

Congrats on the bargain shopping and that magical 34th day of compliance! You are doing so great. :) I think I have been doing a pretty good job on Ebay and am going to tally up my bounty so I can brag about being a smart shopper too!
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Postby bikipatra » August 11th, 2007, 5:05 am

It's good Ebay does the math for you. I got 16 items for 234.61. An average of a little over 14 bucks a piece. I think I did well! It helped that I didn't slip in a Chanel scarf or Prada handbag. I do that sometimes when I get in a buying frenzy!
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