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Postby Mickeyz » July 27th, 2007, 11:12 am

Hang in there, I know it must be frustrating, but one day soon you'll get on that scale and have a big old YeeHaw! You know, you could be experiencing the 3 week stall, but whatever it is it will pass soon! :D
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Postby nickieluv » July 27th, 2007, 2:55 pm

Thanks, guys. I'm hanging in there. I always knew that a stall would mess with my head, all those times Tawanda and Biki went through them. Thank goodness for the challenge - it keeps me from getting in my own way here. Of course, when I'm not compliant I rarely see stalls but I'm always gaining and losing the same few pounds - so there's motion but it's not exactly forward motion.

It will be very educational for me to see what happens in these 100 days. I have spent my time believing that to lose, I have to occasionally give myself a kick in the pants with some off-plan foods. That's not an option now so I am going to be testing the theory that compliance=guaranteed losses - eventually. I lost 30.8# in 75 days that were mostly compliant - two cheats in that time span, but only one day/meal each. I'm anxious to see the results - I'm pretty sure that compliance is going to work out better in the long run, even though I am not feeling it this week!

Now you all have gotten my hopes up with promises of upcoming drops - I hope it's true. It would be a lovely surprise to wake up one morning and suddenly be under 200, instead of creeping up on it. But, I'll take whatever I get. I have no choice, really, and that is such a relief! And you know, I might not even be as upset as I am if I weren't so close to such a milestone. That makes it worse than if I were just trying to get to the 70# club - I know that's a ways away and I can be patient for that. But that 199 - I'll even take 199.9 - it's teasing me!

So, I'm not being very supportive elsewhere this week and I'm sorry - the time I get to come here I spend reading all the posts, and then I pretty much just update my own journal and move on. Don't worry, soon I'll be working again and I'll have lots of free time. :lol:
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Postby Serendipity » July 27th, 2007, 6:45 pm

I hovered around the 200 mark for a looooonnnnnggggg time, nickie. Patience, dear, and it will happen for you. I promise.
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Postby nickieluv » July 27th, 2007, 8:36 pm

Thanks, Jo.

It's funny how taking control of my eating feels a lot like letting go instead. In a good way. Like, it doesn't really matter if I feel fat or thin or happy or crappy on any given day - I still eat the same things. It's never been that way in my life before. Even in the past, being compliant - I wasn't shooting for any particular number, so it was pretty easy to just have a nibble one day, which would turn into a meal, day, or week off plan. Now - yeah, I seem to be (temporarily) stuck but it's like that's just peripheral. The real job does not seem to be losing weight - it's like the focus is now on eating the right foods, no matter what the scale says.

I wonder if this will be helpful in curbing my emotional eating? I wonder if I can carry these kinds of ideas into maintenance - when nothing is off-limits, but some things are better left uneaten. I see myself running in fear from all things sugary or carby that aren't fruits or vegetables - would that be so bad? My husband has to avoid junk food for the rest of his life to live normally (you don't want to know, just trust me, it's true), so how unfair would it be if I brought all those temptations into the house for him?

I feel the binge-monster lurking just under the surface, though, ready to strike the instant my guard is down. But it's only been 20 days of discipline. Maybe after 80 more I will feel stronger.

Well, despite all I just said, I do still hope for good news on the scale tomorrow. I'm going to try to sleep in - wish me luck - and I finally scheduled my first pedicure for noon tomorrow, using that gift certificate my husband got me for my birthday two months ago. I'm glad Biki gave me a heads-up on what to expect - but I'm still nervous about it. I don't like new things, I'm pretty shy with new people, and here's some stranger going to pamper my feet. It feels wrong somehow - maybe that's my Baptist childhood talking again, no pleasure ever! Just kidding, don't mean to offend any Baptists out there - I'd be offending myself too, after all.

Well, I'm going to take my silly tired self to bed now. Toodles!
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Postby katieb920 » July 28th, 2007, 7:05 am

I have said this to you before. I am so excited that you started this 100 day challenge. I have never felt more committed.. I think you are just doing fabulous.
Have a great time at the pedicure, you are really going to enjoy it. Usually what I will do is bring a book or a magazine.
Have a great day.
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Postby holberry » July 28th, 2007, 9:06 am


you are going to love the pedicure. just relax, they have seen a million feet. Your's will be nothing out of the ordinary.

I was thinking about you the other day, yep. You are doing this woman!
You should wrap your head around the 20+ days you have been compliant, and be PROUD

Im with you on running away as quick as we can from the 200's. good ridance.

Have fun at your appointment.
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Postby bikipatra » July 28th, 2007, 10:47 am

How did the pedicure go??? 8)
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Postby nickieluv » July 28th, 2007, 11:14 am

Hey Biks, I just posted in your journal about my pedicure! We must have crossed in cyberspace....

It was fine. As soon as I got home I got right online, and my husband is napping, so I've had to chance to really inspect them or actually let him touch them - perish the thought - so I don't know if they really feel softer or what. I'm sure they do. And the pedicure girl (yes, she was a girl, not a woman) said they weren't that bad - but I'm sure they say that to everybody. That means she's doing her job well, if she can make me feel OK about my feet.

Crap, I forgot all about a tip because I paid with a gift card and it was for the exact amount of the service. She probably cursed me all the way out the door. Well, if I go again I'll ask for her and make up for it. What's the going rate, my pedicure expert? The basic pedicure was $25 at this place - I might try the spa one next time, that has a salt scrub and a mask and oil. A mask for feet - well, in the winter that sounds like a great idea.

I took my shower today and weighed before and after - apparently I had a pound's worth of dirt on me. Still only 1/10 below ticker at that point though. Whatever. No one has ever been compliant for 100 days and lost only 5 pounds, right? Impossible, right?

The next ten days of my journey takes me to August 6th. Civic Holiday in Canada according to my little calendar. Did you know the official challenge end date of 10/16 is Boss's Day? Everything's a holiday.

Because I can never stop planning ahead, I've thought about it and I believe when I get to 100 I'll try to get to 150 - that's December 4th. And then maybe farther. Now that I'm being honest with myself I have to admit that having the baby-making party in October was more me being impatient with the diet than anything else. I want a September or October birth so that means waiting until December to try in earnest. We could try in October with the understanding that you don't usually get pregnant on the first try - but then it would probably happen right away and then my schedule would be all messed up. And schedules are very important to me, of course. I'd rather the baby come later than sooner - very important for the bills situation. We have a lot of things being paid off in early 2009 so if I went out in October with my 6 weeks paid leave, we'd only have a couple of rough months to get things gone. And if I still do the musical, that check comes in mid-December so that would be enough to get us through. Very exciting.

So, I keep looking forward and as much as possible I try to ignore the scale when it pisses me off. I'm still drinking my water valiantly and getting in all my supplements. I might have tried a 6-0 but with the late nights I figure I need the calories in that L&G to keep me going. And that's the way the program is written, anyway - if I need a 6-0 out of necessity or circumstance, that's one thing, but to fiddle just to try to get a drop on the scale seems dangerous for me - one fiddle might lead to another, less innocuous one. And 20 days - I just have to do that 4 more times and I've made my compliance goal!

Well, I guess I'm going to go read - drink water - look at my feet or something.
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Postby bikipatra » July 28th, 2007, 11:56 am

I usually tip around 20 percent at a nail salon, a bit more for my hair if I really like it. The idea is that you are building relationships with these people and want them to remember you and give you the best service they can. Have fun waving your feet around. I always feel sexier when I know my feet look perfect.
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Postby nickieluv » July 28th, 2007, 12:47 pm

20% - that's what I was thinking, I would have given her $5 for a $25 service. So next time if I go I'll be sure to give her ten. I feel bad! She was nice. I just am not experienced in these things so I didn't even think about it at the time.
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Postby nickieluv » July 29th, 2007, 8:52 pm

What to say, what to say?

I wanted animal crackers slathered in peanut butter today in the worst way. We had the cookies, but not the PB - just as well. I don't want to cheat, it's just the last time I cheated I had that a couple of times and it was good. Might sound gross, but I loved it. Funny, and there was no chocolate involved - that's not like me. My tastes must be changing.

I'm not speaking to my scale until it shapes up. ;)

2.5 pounds to onederland. Yes, it could happen this week - but I've been thinking that for three weeks now, ever since I started being compliant. I talk a good game but inside I'm always thinking about hitting that goal every week. Again, though, I saw my ticker as I was reading an old post and was amazed at the number of days I've been compliant. That really is something to be proud of for me. I've gone longer, but not in this structured way, just trying to see how far I could get.

I will continue to do what I'm doing - I feel good and that's something. Actually, that's not exactly true. Physically I feel good - but every morning that I'm stuck, I look flabbier and flabbier to myself in the mirror. That 'what's the point' attitude threatens. But the thing is, I know me - and even if I woke up tomorrow in onederland, that attitude would still be threatening. I'm going to have to be very vigilant this week, being home alone all night long. Might need to go to bed at the same time as the baby every night to keep myself from munching. Extra rest might not be such a bad thing anyway, I've been running myself a bit thin lately with all these rehearsals (the show is over!!!!!!).

And I'm already thinking of the next project that needs to be done at church. I've already got all the music chosen for the entire 2007-2008 church year, every week, every service - all set until September of 2008. So now I want to get through the filing cabinets and see what's really in there, organize the mess from the last two years of just putting things wherever they end up, and get an inventory made in Excel, as well as making one 'conductor's folder' with a single copy of every single piece for perusal. It's a big job but with the pastor gone now, I'm going to have lots of time during office hours to get that done. And if I can finish that in a few weeks, I will feel so light and wonderful to have the church aspect of my life all cleaned up and planned out. Then it's on to school and getting that part of my life in tip-top shape for September.

There's lots to do but I'm just thinking right now of how I will feel in October - church all set, school all set and rolling, back in the swing of things, and then finishing the 100-day challenge - I feel 20 pounds lighter just thinking of having all that off my shoulders, being free, moving forward in the debt situation and getting that cleared up - so many things falling into place in that month!

Oh, and Biki - I've been looking at my toes way more than is normal. I think pedicures are going to have be a semi-regular occurrence from now on. You wouldn't think it could happen, but I feel sexier whenever I look down at my toes. Silly, huh? But there you have it.

Well, I'm up almost an hour later than I meant to be. Time to sign off and get some rest. As worried as I am about being alone tomorrow night, I'm also thrilled at the prospect of not having to go anywhere for the first time in four weeks. I'll be husband-less but not project-less. I already feel tired, so I'll have to be sure my meals are all on time and I'm getting quality time with the baby so I won't feel hungry or lonely - and as for angry - well, I think being done with the show will help that, since I'm not so stressed any more.

I said I was going - typical me.
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Postby bikipatra » July 29th, 2007, 11:23 pm

nickieluv wrote:Oh, and Biki - I've been looking at my toes way more than is normal. I think pedicures are going to have be a semi-regular occurrence from now on. You wouldn't think it could happen, but I feel sexier whenever I look down at my toes. Silly, huh? But there you have it.

I TOLD you!!! :lol: I see no reason why you shouldn't hid onederland this week. That is my prediction. It was over 40 pounds ago for me but it is still my fondest moment of my Medifast journey. I called my sister way too early to tell her but she was thrilled too! I put on that song "Your Body is a Wonderland" by John Mayer on repeat and danced around for a good 20 minutes. I felt like a dork but was so happy I didn't care. Hope it feels as great for you!
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Postby Serendipity » July 30th, 2007, 3:34 am

She's......too sexy for her toes......too sexy for her sexyyyyy. :mrgreen:
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Postby bikipatra » July 30th, 2007, 3:37 am

Serendipity wrote:She's......too sexy for her toes......too sexy for her sexyyyyy. :mrgreen:

too sexy for the pizza boy....she's so sexy it hurts....
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Postby Serendipity » July 30th, 2007, 3:42 am

You just had to bring up the pizza boy, bebes......tsk tsk tsk :mrgreen:
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