nickieluv wrote:So - July 30 I will begin my walking program (that's the first day after my musical is over). I will get up early that Monday morning. The walking program says to only do it 3 days a week but I have a feeling if I don't do it more regularly than that, I'll give it up. So I'm going to shoot for walking every day that I work. That way I will still feel that I get a break, and walking on days off is always an option if I get so I miss moving.
Okay, here I come. I think that it is very good to have a plan, but I would just urge you to consider whatever your energy levels have been in the past after a show like that, and think about what you really need in order to recover from it. I don't want to discourage you from anything, I am just being a little bit motherly (if that's really possible in this cicumstance) and want you to take care of yourself.
Sometimes I think you just go and go and go until you hit a wall. You know, just be kind to yourself, and if starting a new program like walking is the exact thing you need the MORNING after a show, then that's fine. If you feel you need the walking program though, and you think you could use a day of rest after your musical is over (hint, hint), then perhaps you should plan something that includes both things and that might set yourself up for greater success in being kind to yourself ? What about the first week of walking every other day starting on Tuesday (Thursday and maybe Saturday) and then picking up on Monday the following week ?
Okay. Throw tomatoes if you like. Bye bye for now, Beethoven