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Postby nickieluv » June 20th, 2007, 12:37 pm

Yes - I do think of you, Biki, and Tawanda when things like this happen - but I have lots more weight to lose still than you two, so I'm sure that's part of it. The hard part is not letting it fool me into thinking going off-plan is good. That's part of why I have such a hard time sticking to it. But I am going to make it all summer - I promised Mike and myself.
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Postby Tawanda » June 20th, 2007, 12:54 pm

Nickie, I don't think I've ever said congratulations to you on reaching the 50# club. It is an awesome achievement . CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!
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Postby SuzyQ66 » June 20th, 2007, 4:42 pm

Hi Nicki - Hope day 3 of compliance is going well for you. It's almost over and we will move into day 4. Congrats on the overnight weight loss. I don't care if it's water weight or what - it is still weight and still worth celebrating. Congrats!!
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Postby nickieluv » June 20th, 2007, 4:49 pm

Thanks for the congrats, Tawanda - you can start practicing your cheers for the 60# club next, I'm on my way!!

Suzy - I just had my last supplement of the day, and even though I was tempted to have some cookies or even just a second bar, I just had an RTD and I'll take my water up to bed with me. Hopefully I won't have gained tomorrow, but if I did, at least I know I'm doing the right things. And thanks for reminding me that today was day 3 - I forgot all about it! I don't know if it's because I've been so busy, or because my body right now is used to MF and it's starting to think that being on-plan is the normal state. Gee, what a nice thought!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » June 20th, 2007, 6:19 pm

Congratulation's on the 50# club Nickie!! :-P :-P :-P...that is GREAT! You and Sue are doing a "wonderful" job of staying compliant and motivating each other:+)

Keep up the good work girl!
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Postby Karli » June 20th, 2007, 6:37 pm

Hi, Nickie. I think part of what's interesting about your particular journey is that you keep coming back to MF -- no matter what other freedoms you allow yourself sometimes. And, personally, I think this kind of habit is going to serve you very well in maintenance. It's as though correcting your diet and your eating habits is just an extension of the freedom you think you are getting by eating junk.

It just seems like you are getting where you want to go, and nobody is forcing you there, you are not trying to uphold anybody else's standards but your own. You are deciding and I think you are doing really well.

Best Wishes,
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Postby Sojourner » June 20th, 2007, 11:58 pm

How heavy was that hair????

Grats on the 50# club, Nickie!!
And the haircut is totally cute!
It really does show off your new facial contours.
Cute, cute.

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby nickieluv » June 21st, 2007, 4:44 am

Thanks Chynna - and congrats on maintenance! Boy you sure got there quickly!!!

Sojo - I'm thinking the hair was pretty heavy. ;) I mean, it's practically all gone now so that must have made SOME difference, right? Thanks for the compliments - it's still growing on me, but at least it's not hideous.

Karli wrote:Hi, Nickie. I think part of what's interesting about your particular journey is that you keep coming back to MF -- no matter what other freedoms you allow yourself sometimes. And, personally, I think this kind of habit is going to serve you very well in maintenance. It's as though correcting your diet and your eating habits is just an extension of the freedom you think you are getting by eating junk.

It just seems like you are getting where you want to go, and nobody is forcing you there, you are not trying to uphold anybody else's standards but your own. You are deciding and I think you are doing really well.

Best Wishes,

This was very interesting to me, Karli. I have always thought being thin would mean eating whatever you wanted, just in moderation. Like if you want a cookie, have a cookie, but don't have ten. Or if it's a holiday dinner, have a little of all the dishes you think look good, but don't heap your plate and then go back for seconds.

I think I am still learning to be satisfied with less, and realizing that in all things I make the choices. I knew full well when I was binging that I was ordering and eating way too much food - that if it was all about the taste, I should only need one bite or one serving. I even told myself on Sunday, my last 'cheat day,' that I should get a small sandwich instead of a half sub, and a single serving of chips instead of a big bag. I knew that there were better choices I could make - I just didn't want to at the time.

But I am hopeful that in maintenance I will make better choices MOST of the time, and really work on that need to binge and get to the bottom of it. And be able to correct myself if I am getting too far off track. I was even thinking about meals - not measuring exactly, but putting veggies on half my plate, protein on a quarter of it, and then the rest of the space for whatever else. And I will probably always be a dessert person but things taste so sweet and rich now, I can see just having one piece of pie instead of sitting down with the whole pie plate and eating half of it.

There was another drop on the scale today so of course I'm feeling no pain, and the real test this summer will be when I am compliant and see gains or no/slow losses. But that doesn't necessarily HAVE to happen, I might be surprised. I have been told that if I were just to stay compliant I would probably exceed my own expectations (thanks, Biki). So that's my summer goal. Call it research. I can be compliant for 12 weeks straight and see how my losses compare to the previous 12 weeks when I was cheating once every few weeks. Then if I make it to September, I can work on staying compliant right up until goal or pregnancy, whatever comes first.

I know I talk about the baby thing a lot but it is heavily on my mind and I am really ready to be a mom to another little one. I want to be a success story for him/her, as well as my daughter, husband, family, and myself.
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Postby HappyHomeMaker » June 21st, 2007, 5:06 am

I know I talk about the baby thing a lot but it is heavily on my mind and I am really ready to be a mom to another little one. I want to be a success story for him/her, as well as my daughter, husband, family, and myself.

I know how you feel Nikki! Hubby and I are hoping to get Pg...I'm actually losing the weight and hoping to get pregnant at the same time... :oops:

The one thing I will share is that...before I went back on Medifast, I was so worried that I was pregnant, It was stopping my weight-loss. Finally, I was driving myself sooooooooo crazy that I decided to just get this weight off and continue to put my trust in the Lord. I'm praying to get pregnant.

You see, Hubby and I aren't even sure if I CAN get pregnant...Long story.

Keep on going Nikki!!
God Bless,
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Postby nickieluv » June 21st, 2007, 6:02 am

I can relate to the fear of getting pregnant, Laura - actually, it's almost always present right now. I want another baby but I don't want to be overweight by THIS much when it happens. So we are very, very careful about when we are - intimate.

I have asked a lot of questions and it seems like it's OK to use MF products when you are pregnant, just add in more calories - but you have to stop using them if you breastfeed because of the soy. So getting pregnant while on MF should not be a health issue, but as soon as you know for sure, make sure you're getting the right nutrition!

I'm worried about secondary infertility myself. The first baby was unexpected, and in fact I was convinced that after so many close calls in my life I just couldn't get pregnant - and then there she was. But I've heard lots of stories of people who had their first baby just fine and then couldn't conceive the second one. And I have friends who are right now trying to get pregnant and they are having to go through all sorts of tests and things because it's not working. She is very overweight and she has seen my success on MF and I've told her what I'm doing, but she is doing her own cutting calories thing. I'm just going to try to be a good example for her and maybe she will come on board, because I know MF works and I also know that (as her doctor says) being overweight may not be causing the problems, but it can't be helping things, either.

Well, that was a big tangent. I'm off to do more packing - I'm on a mission today, although I'm officially out of boxes, so maybe I can start unpacking some things in my new room - depends on whether or not the teacher in there now has any space cleared. Or I can just lay things out on the floor - my husband is getting me more boxes today from work so I could get things organized and just box them up tomorrow morning. We'll see how the spirit moves me. I might be on here a lot today. :D
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Postby SuzyQ66 » June 21st, 2007, 7:27 am

Hi Nicki - Glad to hear that you made it through Day 3 and that you skipped that cookie or extra bar....good job!! I too made it through and today we are on Day 4. It's been pretty easy for me also but this weekend will be the true test for me. I have not had issues of cheating in the past - I have always been compliant. But when I got sick things got thrown off and I knew being off plan was going to make it difficult for me to stay on plan...I know myself and my track record in the past. The good news is that we are both back on track and looking forward not looking back. Have a wonderful day!!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » June 21st, 2007, 7:43 am

Nickie Wrote:
Thanks Chynna - and congrats on maintenance! Boy you sure got there quickly!!!

Yep i sure did but i think ONLY by default...remember i got real sick there for a time and dropped that weight fast...surprisingly it launched me into my goal weight:+)...and i'm even MORE surprised that it's STILL sticking til' now, but also mindful that gains are expected too! Thanks for the congrat's...and don't YOU EVER forget that you are doing WONDERFUL too Nickie:+)
Keep up the good work girl:+)

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Postby bikipatra » June 21st, 2007, 10:01 am

Nicks-Congrats on having that scale drop some more. My scale is moving too. Just in the wrong direction! :?
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Postby Lizabette » June 21st, 2007, 1:59 pm

NICK, I saw your gorgeous pics with new hair do and wrote in BIK's journal how much I liked it.
You're doing so great, my girl. Keep going like you are and you'll soon be crossing that goal line.
Plenty of room there for you...:heart:
Lizabette :heart:
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Postby HappyHomeMaker » June 21st, 2007, 3:39 pm

nickieluv wrote:I can relate to the fear of getting pregnant, Laura - actually, it's almost always present right now. I want another baby but I don't want to be overweight by THIS much when it happens. So we are very, very careful about when we are - intimate.

I have asked a lot of questions and it seems like it's OK to use MF products when you are pregnant, just add in more calories - but you have to stop using them if you breastfeed because of the soy. So getting pregnant while on MF should not be a health issue, but as soon as you know for sure, make sure you're getting the right nutrition!

I'm worried about secondary infertility myself. The first baby was unexpected, and in fact I was convinced that after so many close calls in my life I just couldn't get pregnant - and then there she was. But I've heard lots of stories of people who had their first baby just fine and then couldn't conceive the second one. And I have friends who are right now trying to get pregnant and they are having to go through all sorts of tests and things because it's not working. She is very overweight and she has seen my success on MF and I've told her what I'm doing, but she is doing her own cutting calories thing. I'm just going to try to be a good example for her and maybe she will come on board, because I know MF works and I also know that (as her doctor says) being overweight may not be causing the problems, but it can't be helping things, either.

Well, that was a big tangent. I'm off to do more packing - I'm on a mission today, although I'm officially out of boxes, so maybe I can start unpacking some things in my new room - depends on whether or not the teacher in there now has any space cleared. Or I can just lay things out on the floor - my husband is getting me more boxes today from work so I could get things organized and just box them up tomorrow morning. We'll see how the spirit moves me. I might be on here a lot today. :D

Hi Nicki,
I can relate. We aren't even sure If I can get pg..or should I say that hubby can get me pg. We have two children 16 & 15. We had them very young and hubby and a vasectomy about 15 years ago. He had it reversed about 6 months ago. I was hoping to be at my goal weight by now, but from the above post you can see what was stopping me.

I've decided to just focus on the weight-loss. I too don't want to get pregnant at this weight. It's one thing to end up at this weight, but I certainly don't want to start here. :oops: That is my motivation. I'm only 38, but getting pregnant at this weight will put a terrible strain on my body.

So , i'm staying compliant so that I can get pregnant quicker. Once i'm pregnant I will be off all Medifast products, only because of the Soy. I usually eat all natural and organic. I'll just watch my portions. Hopefully at that point i'll be on maintenance...That's what I'm praying for.
God Bless,
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