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Throwing a party while on MF is not easy!

So, I am having a small party for 4th of July at my apartment, and then we're all heading up to the rooftop to watch the Macy's fireworks (excellent view of fireworks with the Empire State Building as a backdrop)...All fun and wonderful, but planning the food and alcohol for my friends when I can't have any is a unique experience!

I already told my friends that whatever is left when they're ready to leave ...
Read more : Throwing a party while on MF is not easy! | Views : 394 | Replies : 7

Since I have Barry on my mind....

What is your favorite group of all time....yes I said GROUP!

Europe and Bon Jovi for me... :oops:
Read more : Since I have Barry on my mind.... | Views : 1149 | Replies : 23

An Elephant Asks A Camel

"Why are your boobs on your BACK?" The camel replies, "That is a strange question from someone whose WEINER is on his FACE!"

You see, we are all unique in our own special little ways!!
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One thing I know for sure....

...this Board Rocks!

And I appreciate each of you who encourages, contributes, shares, discloses your ups and downs, questions, answers, sympathizes, empathizes, vents, journals, admits to weaknesses, champions successes, offers compassion or "chimes in" in any way.

I love to come here and to get to know all of you better. Thank you. You make my world "bigger", the journey easier, and the load lighter!!
Read more : One thing I know for sure.... | Views : 444 | Replies : 10

Tlo's new car pics

Hello again everyone. You all wanted to see some pics of my new ride, so I e-mailed them to Unca Tim, so hopefully he will post them soon. I posted four so hope you enjoy em. :lol:


Thanks for all of the Congrats. Have a good one everyone
Read more : Tlo's new car pics | Views : 413 | Replies : 9

Uncommon Foods

So tell me.. what are some of the foods you eat that are less common amongst the general population? Have you been able to find a way to continue to enjoy these foods while doing MediFast? What do you like about those foods? Maybe we'll all find new things to try!


One of my favorite cuisines is indian. The problem with curries is that they're saucy, and we all know sauces are hard to ...
Read more : Uncommon Foods | Views : 1850 | Replies : 32


The area I live in is in a state of emergency. The road I live on - there is a bridge on both sides to get on the main street in town - are destroyed. We are pretty much stuck here. Hubby is helping what he can. This is a small town. I just wanted you all to know I may not be on here much. We are ok though, we live on a hill ...
Read more : Flooding | Views : 425 | Replies : 14


This may sound weird, but I'm weird, so here goes. As I gained weight. I started sleeping on my tummy. It is most definitely a habit now. But I have scrunchy face in the morning and my Step-mom is harping on me that I'm going to have TERRIBLE wrinkles and I'm trying to wean myself off it...anyone else dealing with this or is it YET ANOTHER "man is DeDe weird" issue?

Read more : Sleep | Views : 1018 | Replies : 20

ethics and choices

anyone had to make a hard decision that involved possibly betraying someone to serve a greater good? at least potentially keep others from harm?

okay, what if doing this act also constitutes an inadvertant act of revenge? doesn't that cloud the motivation/outcome?

let me give a metaphor as an example.

let's say you have a best friend who owns an auto dealership and sells you a car. it turns out the friend rolled back the ...
Read more : ethics and choices | Views : 422 | Replies : 8

New car (Jaguar) Motivation!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a good day today. I am still new to this forum but I had something exciting to share.
Even though its off of the weight loss topic, and I haven't "officially" started Medifast yet becasue my products haven't arrived, I have already introduced myself in the "Come on in" forum :lol:
But just wanted to share a bit of good ...
Read more : New car (Jaguar) Motivation!!!!!!!!! | Views : 367 | Replies : 7


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