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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

What is "NSV" ?

I can't seem to figure it out :oops: .
Read more : What is "NSV" ? | Views : 353 | Replies : 2

It is official

My five year old and I wear the same size shoe. The other day he borrowed a pair of my flip flops because he didn't have any blue ones. "Oh--they are flip flops and they are probably a little big on him anyway", I thought. WRONG!!! Today it rained all day. Poor little guys were so bored. They asked if they could borrow my "High Fashion" shoes (high heels) and dance on the hard floor ...
Read more : It is official | Views : 416 | Replies : 6

Do ya'll LIMBO??

Have any of ya'll played on the limbo site?? It is 41414dotcom and it is addictive. MAN!!! I think I have a problem.

<img src="" alt="Poker" border="0">
Read more : Do ya'll LIMBO?? | Views : 330 | Replies : 6

A little embarrassed to admit that I like......

    1. Murder She Wrote reruns.
    2. The Jackson Five
    3. Imus in the morning.....(The Cardinal, Rob Bartlett, Imus rantings, The Scum report...all of it)
    4. Monty Python (I laugh at the same things over and over again)
    5. David Letterman's "Is it something?" bit and actually all of the goofy stuff he does.
    6. Ace Ventura Pet Detective and Dumb and Dumber
    7. Boy Bands (hiding my face in shame)
    8. Triumph the Insult Comic ...
Read more : A little embarrassed to admit that I like...... | Views : 1582 | Replies : 44

Where to Live After Retirement

Where To Live After Retirement

As we all know, sometimes we come face to face with the fact that it may be time to relocate. The big question is: where to? Here are some tips.

You can live in Phoenix, Arizona where.....

1. You are willing to park 3 blocks away because you found shade.
2. You've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl.
3. You can drive for ...
Read more : Where to Live After Retirement | Views : 383 | Replies : 8

Funny one from Dave Barry about Sizes

Shop till you drop (in size)
(This classic Dave Barry column was originally published on May 25, 1997.)

I believe that, in general, women are saner than men.

For example: If you see people who have paid good money to stand in an outdoor stadium on a freezing December day wearing nothing on the upper halves of their bodies except paint, those people will be male.

Without males, there would be no ...
Read more : Funny one from Dave Barry about Sizes | Views : 1006 | Replies : 4

Happy Cig Independence Day, DeDe

Good morning and Best thoughts and wishes for you today!!

You are beginning a whole new healthier addition to your weight loss...and I applaud you!!!

Positive thoughts and prayers in your behalf today!!!
Read more : Happy Cig Independence Day, DeDe | Views : 526 | Replies : 13


For some unknown reason yahoo has deactivated my account, the account I have had for 6 years. I am not sure how but it happened. Now my yahoo messenger is empty :( I hade many of you in there...will you please help me fill it again? Thanks
Yahoo ID is <snip>removed link - Mr. Snippy</snip>

<comment>Log in, click on your profile and edit your YIM to your ...
Read more : HELP!!!! | Views : 340 | Replies : 3

Any Active Military or Veterans Here?

With July 4th coming tomorrow, I was wondering how many verterans or active service people we have here with MMT.

So, please stand up and let yourself been seen here on the forum!

I'll start, I served 5 years in the U.S. Army as a Morse Code Interceptor.

Read more : Any Active Military or Veterans Here? | Views : 709 | Replies : 3

Holiday plans?

Whatcha all doing for the holiday weekend?

It is a HUGE tourist weekend here. We live on lake george and the town puts on a monster weekend every year.

The carnival (yess that means funnel cake) opens tonight. Tomorrow is the carnival, various bands playing and in the evening Ti Idol. Our town's annual version of American Idol. I like to go watch the last night so we will be there tomorrow for that.

Tuesday ...
Read more : Holiday plans? | Views : 860 | Replies : 16


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