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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

Atkins VS Medifast

I have a friend who thinks Atkins is going to work better for her then MF. I have never been on Atkins so I have no clue how to argue this. I know many of you HAVE been on Atkins. What are the pitfalls? She claims you can lose faster on Atkins although I have no idea how that is possible.
Read more : Atkins VS Medifast | Views : 9291 | Replies : 10

Rabbit Poo

I don't want to offend or gross anyone out but I must ask and seek advice about my rabbit like poo. I used to have one solid BM a day, now I have five little rabbit poo's, really like pellets. What is going on???? I drink over 90 oz of water a day.
Read more : Rabbit Poo | Views : 511 | Replies : 14

i think i'm gonna barf...

this is a subtle reminder to people to ALWAYS READ before you look.

i saw some pictures of something i wish i never ever saw. now, i love horror films and know that stuff isn't real, so i thought the pictures were fake. then i read the information and found out it was real. i suddenly feel sick. i literally want to throw-up.

it wasn't stills from a movie at all, but something that actually ...
Read more : i think i'm gonna barf... | Views : 481 | Replies : 12

See ya!

I'm off in a little bit to go to the American Idol concert with my dd. :) I'm gonna look fierce in my new skinny jeans. LMAO!! and you should see my dd... omg she's going on 30 I swear! :) She's trying to convince me that I should let her wear makeup...umm no. ...
Read more : See ya! | Views : 320 | Replies : 5

Any collectors of almost anything out there??

There was this guy in Lubbock who plead guilty to bilking his employer of nearly $78 million in April. They have seized his stuff and are having an auction on July 15. Yes, it a bit far to travel, but you cannot imagine the stuff. Firearms, farming equipment, sports equipment, numerous would literally take all day long to look at all of the photos on the auction site. But, if any of you are ...
Read more : Any collectors of almost anything out there?? | Views : 310 | Replies : 3

Soft Skin

Is it just me or are others happy with their skin since being on this program? I have noticed that my face is so much softer than it use to be and I don't break out like a school girl either. I don't have teenager skin anymore! yah! :mrgreen: (I'm sure in another 20 years I will wish I had that skin again..hehe )

I'm sure ...
Read more : Soft Skin | Views : 332 | Replies : 9

I have a girlie question...

The question about face goop gave me the impetus to ask this question that has been on my mind. My husband asked me what I might like as a gift for one of my small goal rewards...

What I would really like is some totally marvelous fragrance product...some perfume, cologne or body lotion or potion or bath oil or body know. I have some of these of course, but I want to get something ...
Read more : I have a girlie question... | Views : 973 | Replies : 18

I need face goop help!

I know there's a few of you on this thread that can help me with this (calling Denise!)...I am developing an age spot. I don't like it! I'm also looking for a tube or jar of goop for undereye to me! Can anyone help? I'm a Philosophy girl from way back, but I don't know where to go here!

Read more : I need face goop help! | Views : 1038 | Replies : 27

1st NSV's!!

Ohh I am so tickled!!

1st say my Uncle on Tues and he said.. "How much weight have you lost?" I said .."What?" He said "Your face looks thinner than when I saw ya few weeks ago." WooHooo

Then my best pal said "Hey Your butt looks smaller!"

Even though Hubby told me my butt felt smaller it felt good coming from someone else too!!

Needless to say I have been grinning like crazy LOL
Read more : 1st NSV's!! | Views : 334 | Replies : 9

do you appreciate...

the beauty of the simpsons?
the raw emotion of the family guy?
Read more : do you appreciate... | Views : 315 | Replies : 6


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