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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)


This is especially for Arklahoma...I am going to the Madonna concert on Tuesday night! Have you seen her in this tour?

I kind of feel bad, because I am not at all a die-hard Madonna fan - I totally appreciate her entertainment value and LOVE her old stuff, but not really a fan of much of the new dance music. BUt I have a frient (friend/client) who really wanted to go, so we're doing it! ...
Read more : Madonna | Views : 290 | Replies : 3

If you could look like any celebrity...

Okay, a fun summer question for all the girls (and I guess guys, too, if they want to admit it!)

I was watching a re-run of ALIAS the other night. I just love Jennifer Garner; she is beautiful, fit and I always think, "...if I could look like her..."

I know we are not supposed to compare ourselves to others, and should love ourselves; but don't you still do the comparing ...
Read more : If you could look like any celebrity... | Views : 921 | Replies : 24

Laser Hair Removal

Anyone done it? I know of one person who's had it done and she raves about it. I'm considering it and just wonder what it's like.
Read more : Laser Hair Removal | Views : 933 | Replies : 28


Oh man, Elke will love that one!
Read more : HEY ELKE!! | Views : 520 | Replies : 1

I have a serious question

I don't know a lot about politics or the law etc. I admit it. The stuff bores me to tears!!! But, I just wonder====why do you have to apply for a permit and get permission to hold a public protest?? There is a highly controversial group wanting to protest here in Amarillo. They are not planning any type of hate protest or anti any race protest. They are wanting to protest about the immigration reform ...
Read more : I have a serious question | Views : 357 | Replies : 9

Fat Acceptance

I have a sort of interesting question but I want to handle it delicately because I would never in a million years want to offend anyone but its a topic that interests me.

What does everyone think about the "Fat Acceptance" movement? I have a very good friend of mine who is very heavy... She clocks in around 350. She has always been pretty heavy but she use to be about my weight and has ...
Read more : Fat Acceptance | Views : 858 | Replies : 16

Cancer update from Johns Hopkins (Nevermind it was a hoax)

Got this in an email and wanted to pass it on to my medi-friends...

Cancer update from Johns Hopkins:

1. No plastic containers in micro.

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave.

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Dioxin chemicals causes cancer, especially breast cancer.

Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. ...
Read more : Cancer update from Johns Hopkins (Nevermind it was a hoax) | Views : 416 | Replies : 3

I,m Back

I just wanted to let everyone know I am back among the living---most of you know I had a accident back in may and went back to work in June only to return to the Hospital 2days later with Pancreattitis and liver problems I was I ICU for a week with massive fluids running threw my body and then spent another week in the hospital, I want to warn everyone about what the DR said ...
Read more : I,m Back | Views : 373 | Replies : 12

What if ?

What if we created an infinite thread that only contained abstract what ifs ?

I'll start :mrgreen:
Read more : What if ? | Views : 2446 | Replies : 68

How tall are you?

I often look at everyone's goals and wonder where the differences it that some people (lol DeDe) are tall and some of us average and some petite?

Or maybe people are content at certain weights. I set my goal at exactly what I need to be to be "normal" according to the BMI. Who knows if I will stick with it or change it.

I am 5'7"
Read more : How tall are you? | Views : 1480 | Replies : 43


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