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Just watched "Supersize Me"...

Well, I have NOT been able to make myself be 100% compliant since I started this program...OK that was my confession...

Last night, I watched "Supersize Me" for the first time. I had been avoiding it, in a lame attempt at "ignorance is bliss". I was literally scared to watch it, cuz I didn't want it to scare me straight (if that make any sense at all).

I can't say it "scared" me...but it REALLY ...
Read more : Just watched "Supersize Me"... | Views : 425 | Replies : 13

1st Day


First day at the new job. I know, I know, it's just crummy HR stuff but I'm so excited to be getting back into the routine of life. Gonna do my one week of days then I'm back to nights for the real job. Hope everyone has a great day!!!
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"Official" Medifast Song?

I'm SO sorry... I lost the origin of this thread!

But, I was going through my self-improvement ritual this evening, which includes a lot of motivational music...

I crossed paths with this song... it has certainly blazed a trail thru my heart, this first week on MF.... and surely, it would mean something to others that may come this way (?)... so, I really wanted to share...

Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns
---------------------------------------------------- ...
Read more : "Official" Medifast Song? | Views : 386 | Replies : 7

Great Quotes...

Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin
As self-neglecting.

~~William Shakespeare

Nuther one...

The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul.

~~ King Solomon
Read more : Great Quotes... | Views : 529 | Replies : 11

Little tip for those who work around a computer all day...

Hiya all! :exercise:

Wasn't sure if this was the right place for a "tip", but here goes anyway...

I have a busy counseling practice & run several related websites, AND I have four children at home on summer break right now, so I have to think WAAAAY too much, ALL the time... I have to multi-task from the moment I get up in the AM until I ...
Read more : Little tip for those who work around a computer all day... | Views : 391 | Replies : 8

Guys (Men) you don't wanna read this... hate to even bring this up but it's killing me and I have to talk to someone and I know all you ladies and give me your 2 cents.

I posted this in my journal but nobody has responded so here goes...

I vowed I wouldn't be one of those women that talked about Aunt Flo and TOM, because even for me I don't care to know when you all are on your ...
Read more : Guys (Men) you don't wanna read this... | Views : 901 | Replies : 15

Groovey kind of love

I had forgotten how much I liked this song. Phil Collins. He was so great. I have had my TV tuned into music choice 80's all music 24 hours a day. I keep hearing all these old songs that bring back so many memories. The other night while chatting with Gina, we were reminiscing about the days back at the skating rink!! How much fun this channel is. Glad I finally tweeked through all the ...
Read more : Groovey kind of love | Views : 354 | Replies : 2

My first meal in front of others

Okay. So, I am going to this event in about an hour, and part of the whole thing is dinner, too. I think it's catered, and I am not sure, but I *may* be able to find a L/G there. Though generally, I don't trust the way things are made enough to want to bank on the meal fitting into my program.

The other thing is, I have been doing the full fast yesterday and ...
Read more : My first meal in front of others | Views : 322 | Replies : 6

Avatar help

I cannot make my avatar go in the avatar section. I'm pretty positive it's the right size. Now my avatar photo is in my signatire but I'd like to move it to my avatar.

Can you help me?
Read more : Avatar help | Views : 431 | Replies : 5

Need some cake advice

Okay, I am supposed to make enough cake to feed about 30ish people, so I thought I would make two, emmensly decadent round choco truffle cakes. Well, the problem is that I ran out of batter to make 2 complete cakes, and I was thinking I would run to the store and purchase an instant cake mix to make up for the second half of the second cake.

See, I got three rounds out of ...
Read more : Need some cake advice | Views : 427 | Replies : 6


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