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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

Suggestions needed

I know some people have mentioned something along these lines before, but I forgot to write anything down. So ... can anyone suggest any really good books on body image (or ways to improve it)? I'm starting to realize that what I see in the mirror isn't anywhere close to what's really there.

I know I still need to build muscle and lose fat, but I'm starting to think maybe everyone's right and I don't ...
Read more : Suggestions needed | Views : 489 | Replies : 9

Cruise News...

Just stumbled across this on the mymedifast forum. Apparently they are arranging both an East and West Coast Cruise for Medifasters.

The East Coast Cruise is leaving January 22nd for 4 nights from Port Canavaral. Cruising NASSAU, BAHAMAS & COCO CAY. It's on the Royal Carribean Line, Sovreign of the Seas. Cost varies. With two people per cabin it goes from $334/person (Inside) to $744.88 (Jr. Suite w/Balcony). They are requiring a $100 deposit by ...
Read more : Cruise News... | Views : 307 | Replies : 5

Today's 8/5/06 - Giggle

Subject: Fw: Great one-liners

If you remember the Original Hollywood Squares and its comics, this may bring a tear to your eyes. Peter Marshall was the host asking the questions...

Q. If you're going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be?
A. Charley Weaver: Three days of steady drinking should do it.

Q. True or False, a pea can last as long as 5,000 years.
A. George Gobel: Boy, it ...
Read more : Today's 8/5/06 - Giggle | Views : 400 | Replies : 6

Marshall, Will, and Holly

on a routine expedition
met the greatest earthquake ever known.
high on the rapids
it struck their tiny raft.
and plunged them down a thousand feet below.
Read more : Marshall, Will, and Holly | Views : 711 | Replies : 15

My poor lips....

I took a popsicle out of the freezer and popped it into my mouth. It was so darn cold when I went to take it out of my lips were glued
to it! I carefully peeled my lips off of it...but they still were bleeding all over the place!
I had to throw my popsicle out..because of all the darn blood!

I know there has to be a lesson here somewhere........ ...
Read more : My poor lips.... | Views : 495 | Replies : 8

Pictures from Gilroy Garlic Festival

Below are pictures from the day that Diana and I spent at the Gilroy Garlic Festival with Carmel. (I'm sending the pics to Unca to post)

These are of Carmel singing:


This is a picture of Carmel with Di:


This is a picture of Diana and me (Mike):

Read more : Pictures from Gilroy Garlic Festival | Views : 529 | Replies : 11

Fun and Games

Thought this might be a fun thing to do. Maybe start a thread with a daily joke or "test" to take... Here's one I received this morning that confirmed that in fac, I AM older than Dirt! :shock:

My score was 19.



Just for fun!!


History Exam...
Everyone over 40 should have a pretty easy time with this exam.  If ...
Read more : Fun and Games | Views : 445 | Replies : 9

Funny Bumper Stickers

I saw one last night:

Don't Make Me Release the Flying Monkeys!

I LMAO..anyone have any good ones?
Read more : Funny Bumper Stickers | Views : 423 | Replies : 14

I Feel Pretty

Oh, so pretty!

I feel pretty, and witty, and gaaaaaay.


oh. wait...
Read more : I Feel Pretty | Views : 848 | Replies : 21


Took my first Pilates class today, using the reformer machine (or whatever it's called) - the little sled thingy with the ropes, and the bar, and all that . . . it was AWESOME!! This is the exercise I've been looking for! I love the stretching, I love that it's going to build strength, and I love that it doesn't make my knees crunch. I love that I'm getting ab work without gazillions of crunches ...
Read more : Pilates | Views : 397 | Replies : 7


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