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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

Woot dot com

If you haven't checked out this sight, do, because it's great. (Thanks for the tip, Robin) They have a different thing for sale each day for a ridiculous price and when it's gone, it's gone....did I spell reedickulus right, Manly?

I haven't even bought anything, but it is so fun to read the commentary. The writers are a hoot!
Read more : Woot dot com | Views : 374 | Replies : 2

You might want to see this one

Hey guys. Check out the last entry in my journal. If you're an animal lover I think you'll enjoy it.
Read more : You might want to see this one | Views : 254 | Replies : 0

Jeremiah was a bullfrog...

Was a good friend of mine...
Read more : Jeremiah was a bullfrog... | Views : 284 | Replies : 10

airplane ride

Hi, I just wanted to know if any one has took a airplane ride since all of the changes I have to in a few weeks and not sure how to medifast on the plane .
Read more : airplane ride | Views : 812 | Replies : 12

Cruisin' and Loosin' Tour..The Saga Continues


Well, it looks like there are 21 of you out there who still want to do a cruise from this board.

Next question would be how many peeps are you bringing along. Children, spouses, significant others, "friends with benefits"???

Please indicate the TOTAL number of people in your party, and which port you, i.e. East/West/South/Any, you'd be able to leave from, and a range of dates that would work for you. Also how many ...
Read more : Cruisin' and Loosin' Tour..The Saga Continues | Views : 518 | Replies : 6

I am having a TERRIBLE day

Today was Jake's first day of kindergarten. Not really a bad thing. He has been going to daycare since he was 8 weeks old. And, only while he was being treated for his cancer was he with me all the time. He has been with me this summer, too. Well, I didn't think he would have any separation issues from us, but maybe Max. They are only 12 months apart in age, and they have ...
Read more : I am having a TERRIBLE day | Views : 857 | Replies : 21


I am watching "The Breakfast Club"
ohh Judd Nelson*swoon*
Read more : *Flashback* | Views : 334 | Replies : 9

I'm looking for another mixer

My sister was on Medifast, Dr. prescription.. anyhow. She found this nifty little battery operated hand mixer. She gave it to me when we visited her and now I want another one and other people have asked also.
It basically looks exactly like those little hand-held mini fans, but instead of a fan, a little plastic stick that forks at the end is in it. You just put the thing in your cup and press ...
Read more : I'm looking for another mixer | Views : 538 | Replies : 13

Can Anyone Crafty or Just Plain Smarter Then Me.....


I am the least crafty person in the world. I bought some of those sell adhesive wall sticker things at Menards to try and decorate my daughters newly painted room. Now the room is painted with textured enamel semi gloss paint.

Here is my problem. The stickers are not sticking to the wall. They just peel and fall off by themselves. Is there some product I can buy to get them to stay stuck ...
Read more : Can Anyone Crafty or Just Plain Smarter Then Me..... | Views : 282 | Replies : 4


Just wondered if anyone does this?
I have been pondering starting a book of my MF Journey and was just wondering!
Read more : Scrapbook | Views : 418 | Replies : 10


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