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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

funny shirt

Saw a girl last night with a funny shirt, it said:

"Somewhere inside me is a skinny chick trying to get out. I figured out a piece of Chocolate will shut the bitch up"
Read more : funny shirt | Views : 305 | Replies : 3


I know Jo needed a week away but I sure do miss her posting's-----

Dede --- I miss her post
Read more : Serendipity | Views : 346 | Replies : 4

Gone to Okalhoma, Again!

Just an update... my mom is doing great, but my best friends mom passed away last Wednesday and the funeral is this coming Wednesday in Oklahoma.
I am glad that my mom and I got to stay with her when we were on our trip back in June, but apparently she got worse.
I am leaving with my friend tonight to drive back and will be back next Sunday,
Please encourage Di while I am ...
Read more : Gone to Okalhoma, Again! | Views : 364 | Replies : 9


Here are a few things to think about that you probably have never thought about:


Can you cry under water?


How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?


Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. . but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?


Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck ...
Read more : THINGS TO PONDER | Views : 300 | Replies : 6

forum lingo

Ok I dont mean to sound like and idiot but is there a thread around here that explains the different lingo and abbreviations used on this forum?? I have figured out many of them like the muffin tops but some of them I still am confused about. I have noticed others asking about things like this as well.
Read more : forum lingo | Views : 434 | Replies : 7

New Baby - Ginger

This is our new baby, Ginger. She is an 8 week old German Shepard mix. Roscoe (9 year old schipperke) has already adopted her and they get along great.


We were looking for a new dog and went to the pound to look. A lady was there giving up 10 of these little cuties.

(I just sent the photo to Unca for posting)

Read more : New Baby - Ginger | Views : 436 | Replies : 7

Plus size clothes

As I have posted before I help out when I can at a shelter for battered women and thats where I donated my clothes that i can,t wear--- I have met this great lady who was beat so bad that she has been in the Hospital for over a week and is now in the shelter,I am helping her to get a job witch has not been hard because she has a college degree--she just ...
Read more : Plus size clothes | Views : 371 | Replies : 5


Anyone heard from KTROUT??? Where did he go?
Read more : KTROUT MIA | Views : 329 | Replies : 1


I watched the movie Phat Girls last night and was conflicted about the message. I'm all about self love and acceptance - but where do you draw a line when it comes to obesity? Did anyone else watch the movie - what did you think?
Read more : PHAT GIRLS | Views : 416 | Replies : 6

How Do You Treat Yourself When You Hit a Milestone

Hey Gang,

Hope everyone is haing a good day. I am just curious as to how you pamper/reward yourself when you hit a milestone? Big or small? What do you do?
Read more : How Do You Treat Yourself When You Hit a Milestone | Views : 826 | Replies : 18


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