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Grandma problem

I have a soon to be 3 year old who has 2 grandma's. They both would like to be called Grandma, but I noticed my daughter is getting confused. When I say "we are going to Grandma's house" she thinks we are going to my husbands moms house. I think it might hurt my moms feelings if I told her she needs to change her name. We went over to my moms house last night ...
Read more : Grandma problem | Views : 407 | Replies : 14

Weight Loss & the Opposite Sex....

Got your attention now...huh? :twisted:

Well, after a dry spell that makes the Sahara Desert look like an oasis, I finally met a fella, in person, and he didn't run away, and he called the next day just like he said he would, and he baked me sugar free "healthy" oatmeal cookies to take on my trip this week, (which I thanked him for, but later ...
Read more : Weight Loss & the Opposite Sex.... | Views : 928 | Replies : 16


Where is he???? Hasn't posted in a few days.
Read more : ASCICLES | Views : 945 | Replies : 18

Not sure how to name this

Well my computer has been on the pot for what seems like forever, I'm not even sure how long it will stay online. With that all said I would like to take a minute to welcome all the newbies and tell you this diet really does work. Today was my weigh in and I lost another 2 lbs, I will fix my ticker in a minute, first I need to do the "roll call" ...
Read more : Not sure how to name this | Views : 298 | Replies : 3


Ok I know all wont go for this but I love sending out Birthday cheer and since the things dont show Birthdays I was wondering if it would be ok to have a Birthday list. You wouldnt have to put the year if it bothers ya but I know how Birthday Cheer can make most people smile all day long!

Just a thought....

Mine is August 5th
Read more : Birthdays | Views : 889 | Replies : 27

Help!!! I have fleas

Ok, so the headline was to get you in here to read this because I really do need help.

I have an indoor cat that ventures out onto my poarch. she never goes any farther than that, and until 2 or 3 months ago, she had never even seen another cat. There is a stray that has been coming around, and now my cat has FLEAS. YUCK!!!!! I put some advantage on her, and put ...
Read more : Help!!! I have fleas | Views : 380 | Replies : 9

Ok so I was bored...

I just got my PSP up and running again (I actually bought a new program) so I was fooling around with it tonight.

Does this remind you of anyone??? LOL

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">
Read more : Ok so I was bored... | Views : 342 | Replies : 12


I found out today that I am 7 weeks along, we are due April 24th. The doctor could see a strong heartbeat so that was exciting. Now if I could just feel better. She said everything looked good and very normal.
Thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in me and my family.
Much love,
Read more : Update | Views : 380 | Replies : 9

Medifast1 and crappy service lately

anyone else having crappy service from medifast1 . com?

i placed an order on August 25th and STILL haven't received my order. i'm running out of food BIG TIME here. i don't know what to do.

when i contact them they have NO shipping information. Medifast Rep Dave said he has to talk to shipping and call me back on WEDNESDAY. by then i won't HAVE any food left.

i am very VERY upset. the ...
Read more : Medifast1 and crappy service lately | Views : 1404 | Replies : 22

Puppy help

I need puppy help I want to buy my granddaughter A puppy-- What breed would be good for her? she is 3 years old--- I have I Yorkie she is sweet to her -but princess is so small. any suggestions Thanks,
Read more : Puppy help | Views : 357 | Replies : 8


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