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Back from birthday trip

Hi all,
Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes. I am so lucky to have a wonderful boyfriend that is good at romantic suprises. On Thursday,
I BBQ'd with family and friends, and then went to the comedy club to see a really good comedian.

On friday, I got up early and slightly hung over, and left with my boyfriend to an unknown destination. He took me to Santa Barbara/Solvang/Santa Ynez Valley ...
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Do you ever wish somebody would've just told you ?

That you were looking a little chunky ?

I was talking with an acquaintance the other day who was commenting on the fact that it looks like I have lost some weight. As his wife is a possible candadite for the program, I was pretty honest with my journey thus far.

He decided to take that as an opportunity to let me know that I had been looking pretty chunky for a while there and ...
Read more : Do you ever wish somebody would've just told you ? | Views : 614 | Replies : 14

in your opinion...

does my butt make these jeans look big?


Read more : in your opinion... | Views : 318 | Replies : 1

We Should Have

Medifast: the Swimsuit Calendar

oh, yeah, baby!

before shot insets... and after shots of us in swimsuits.

action shots along the beach-- the works.


nancy could wear a leopard print bikini on the cover (to get sales going)

i can be october and paint my butt like a jackolantern

asicles can be december in a red speedo and santa hat...

you get the idea, because ...
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Happpy Birthday!! I am sorry I missed it yesterday, I truley hope you had a Fabulous Day!!!

Read more : ~~Allie~~ | Views : 318 | Replies : 5

I'm Here!!

I have gotten several pm's lately asking where I have been. I am here, and I am okay. I have been having some computer problems, and I use the one at work when I can. Yep, I am working part time now. I am in my last semester of nursing school. YAY!!! I am still not doing MF. I posted a while back about some issues with my blood work. It is still not getting ...
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Happy Birthday DramaQueen

In case I am late in the morning (smiles)

I hope you have a Marvelous Day!! Woohoo at all the shopping you have been doing!!

Read more : Happy Birthday DramaQueen | Views : 358 | Replies : 2

Eating healthy around others eating junk food

Here is something that I feel is a bit of a dilemma for me. I have noticed that when I choose to eat healthy in front of others who are not choosing this, it makes them more self-conscious sometimes, and I don't want to do that. I don't want them to feel as though I am looking at them and judging them, because I am not.

Last night when I went to a pizza bistro ...
Read more : Eating healthy around others eating junk food | Views : 663 | Replies : 7

The Washcloth *Chick Joke*

There is not a woman alive today who won't appreciate this one!

I was due for an appointment with the gynecologist later in the

Early one morning, I received a call from the doctor's office to
tell me that I had been rescheduled for that morning at 9:30 am.

I just packed everyone off to work and school, and it was already
around 8:45 am. The trip to his office took about 35 minutes, ...
Read more : The Washcloth *Chick Joke* | Views : 2250 | Replies : 4

febreze commercial

ok, have you guys seen the new(ish) febreze commercial with the very thick african-american woman in jeans and a green t-shirt spraying her kid's shoes and room?

dude, niiiiice.

it's also cool that she isn't a stick.
you don't see that often-- outside of jenny craig commercials.
hell, even the spots for gyms use people who are maybe 15# overweight.

anyway, what size do you guys think she is?
Read more : febreze commercial | Views : 1134 | Replies : 4


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