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Halloween humor

A man was walking home alone late one foggy night,

when behind him he hears:




Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him.




Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him






He runs up to his ...
Read more : Halloween humor | Views : 534 | Replies : 3

Hawaii Quake

Guess the "What's Shakin'" forum is the right place to post this.

Hope all our Island members are safe and sound.
Read more : Hawaii Quake | Views : 526 | Replies : 7

Need Christmas Help!!! Please!!!

Hi guys. I need some etiquette advice...

Dylan was born on Christmas Eve last year and is about to have his first birthday. We typically have a big open house Christmas Party at our house. This year, we want to do the same thing, but for Dylan's birthday. So it would be a Christmas themed Birthday party.

My question: how do we word the invites so that people don't feel obligated to bring a gift ...
Read more : Need Christmas Help!!! Please!!! | Views : 1089 | Replies : 17

Dancing with the stars

It was soooo fun, and guess what...I got to shake Mario Lopez's hand. It totally made my week.

I got to sit right behind his family and was like 5 feet from the dance floor. then Rod Stewart came on, and was so close I could touch him if I had reached out. Even though the show is recorded "live", rod did two takes of each song before the show started, and then they edited ...
Read more : Dancing with the stars | Views : 435 | Replies : 4


Hi all!!!!!!

My baby son is entered in a Halloween Photo contest!

Can you PRETTY PLEASE vote for him? You can vote FIVE times a day and I KNOW you guys love to do stuff like this for little babies! He is going to be NEMO for Halloween!

So please vote for Baby Dylan!! www DOT tinyurl DOT com/yxpt45
(replace the DOTS for real dots!) or please click the "WWW" button below my signature ...
Read more : Halloweenie! | Views : 413 | Replies : 11

It's a Boy!

August Joseph Trela
9 lbs 3 ounces
20 1/2 inches

Born today around 1:00PM in Detroit, MI

Proud Parents: Nathaniel (my son) and Michelle - Both doing fine
Sister: Mairead Kelly McGraw Trela (soon to be 4 yrs. old)
Ecstatic Grandma: me ;)
Read more : It's a Boy! | Views : 957 | Replies : 17

The Secret....

A man is driving down the road and his car breaks down near a monastery.

He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, "My car broke down.

Do you think I could stay the night?"

The Monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, even fix his car.

As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound. A sound not like anything he's ever heard before.

The Sirens that nearly ...
Read more : The Secret.... | Views : 590 | Replies : 8

Great Quote...

Found this great quote...supposedly on a sign hanging in Albert Einstein's Office.

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.

Good thing to remember when "da scale" has got you down...
Read more : Great Quote... | Views : 262 | Replies : 1

EEEEEKKKKKK...Formal wear

My mom got tickets to Dancing with the Stars (her absolute favorite show ever!!!), for wednesday, and she wants to take me. I agreed and she is so excited.

The problem is that there is a strict formal wear policy. I only have one dress that currently fits. (2 are too bug, and one is too small) I am not sure if the dress is too formal, but I sure hope that its not, because ...
Read more : EEEEEKKKKKK...Formal wear | Views : 388 | Replies : 8

Sugar free @ Amazon

Was shopping around at amazon dot com (trying to get a start on Christmas shopping!)... went into the Gourmet Food section and did a search for 'sugar free' and they had tons of stuff! Lots of different brands available in one spot. Thought that was kinda cool!!
Read more : Sugar free @ Amazon | Views : 385 | Replies : 4


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