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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)


Ok- let's face it- I cannot type 900 WPM like Superman!!! If I ever type more than 2 sentences and then try to post them, I get the "Invalid_Session" response, and have to go back, copy my post, refresh the page, paste it and then submit it ASAP.

Anyone else have this problem? I did a search and never saw anything about it. I do not use AOL.
Read more : Invalid_Session | Views : 392 | Replies : 7

Ticker Etiquette?

Just a question.

If we started our diets on another plan like WW, should our tickers show THAT starting date, or the date we started with MF?

Please take the poll!
Read more : Ticker Etiquette? | Views : 418 | Replies : 8

Sinus Problems & Possible TMI Alert

So.... this sinus infection has been around for a few weeks now... I sound very nasal, and up until this week, had a headache that lasted a whole week. I don't have a headache now, but the area above my eyes is very tender and I feel clogged...


Now when I blow my nose I have this really thick yellow mucus coming out. It is really disgusting. I took Tavist Sinus pills this morning...any ...
Read more : Sinus Problems & Possible TMI Alert | Views : 467 | Replies : 6

You know you're married to an old guy when...

you receive your own AARP card in the mail and you're only 34.
Read more : You know you're married to an old guy when... | Views : 432 | Replies : 6

Back Home

Back from my hospital stay. Actually got a Two-fer. Got the nasty gall bladder taken out and while he was in there, the doctor decided to repair my hernia at the same time. That turned out to be kinda tricky as there was a bunch of scar tissue (from 3 C-sections) and things stuck to one another that shouldn't have been. (Won't get any more graphic than that...)

He was able to do it all ...
Read more : Back Home | Views : 343 | Replies : 5

American Idol

Starts again on January 16th!

Read more : American Idol | Views : 4501 | Replies : 105


Oh, when the sun beats down and burns the tar up on the roof
And your shoes get so hot you wish your tired feet were fire-proof....

I can't get this out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read more : Under..... | Views : 961 | Replies : 15

height/weight visual

While searching for height/weight charts, I found this kind of interesting visual graph that shows pictures of people at specific heights/weights.

Granted, it's not perfect as we all have different body types, weight distribution, gender..., but still, it's kind of interesting to look at, espcially when it gets filled.

If you go to this cockeyed website, scroll down, and on the right hand side, under new features you'll see where you can click the height/weight ...
Read more : height/weight visual | Views : 2548 | Replies : 15

Have you checked your smoke alarms?

Really? I know the usual suggestions are to check the batteries when the time changes, but how many of us do that? I didn't. And I had no good reason except that I was lazy.

So I checked them last week while I was on break. Both of them. And guess what? Both batteries were dead. They might have been dead since we moved in because we never checked them. We were dumb. Stupid. And ...
Read more : Have you checked your smoke alarms? | Views : 375 | Replies : 12

Quit Torturing Yourselves

when i went for my hike yesterday morning, i bumped into the same older latina that i see on the trails at least 3x a week. she's probably in her late 60's, but she and her little walking stick still get around the trails. we talked briefly about how many people were clogging our space (normally there is n one around and people have peace and nature for their hikes). then she laughed and said ...
Read more : Quit Torturing Yourselves | Views : 1262 | Replies : 25


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