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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

Movie Time

So I will be going the see Because I Said So when it comes out, with my prego friend who can eat whatever she wants, and this is the first time there without my delicious buttery hott did/does everyone handle it???
Read more : Movie Time | Views : 527 | Replies : 11

No one understands...

I am at work. I just commented to someone that it was cold in the office today. Their response? "Well maybe if you ate something once in a while instead of trying to be anorexic, you would have some body heat".

So basically, everyone at work is talking about me- that I don't eat and am trying to starve myself to death. I almost wonder if I should split my L&G so people see me ...
Read more : No one understands... | Views : 1016 | Replies : 28



MONDAY, JANUARY 29TH, WILL BE THE KICK-OFF OF THE 14-Day Commitment Challenge!!!!!!

The purpose of the 14-day Commitment Challenge is to break our addiction to self-sabotage (non-compliance) and commit to being compliant with the MF plan for the next 14 days.

It is a commitment to succeed.

All it takes is a decision with corresponding actions.

Let's operate from the mindset that we are already successful. Therefore, we will commit daily to ...
Read more : 14-DAY COMMITMENT CHALLENGE WILL START MONDAY, JAN. 29TH | Views : 1669 | Replies : 36

Site for Sight

My 2nd son, Nate had an operation last week to try and return some additional vision into his left eye. He has a condition that he inherited from his dad called Von Hippel- Lindau Syndrome and part of the disease is recurring vascular tumors that pop up in all sorts of wonky places, like the spine, brain, and eyes.

At 30 years of age, Nate is blind in his right eye. So this surgery on ...
Read more : Site for Sight | Views : 315 | Replies : 0

Shameless Self-Promotion

Well...actually it's more about my son, Joe, but if any of you get the Game Show Network, they are showing a documentary entitled The "Game Show Hall of Fame" - Who wants to Be a Millionaire. I haven't seen it, but one of my customers told me today that he saw it last night and that Joe's win was featured. He said he saw me too, as I was in the companion seat and gave ...
Read more : Shameless Self-Promotion | Views : 874 | Replies : 15


Just thought I'd start one here. Although my team didn't have a shot (49ers of course), I am glad that Peyton gets to go this year.
So, who do you think will win?
Read more : Superbowl | Views : 1097 | Replies : 26

24 (spoiler alert if you haven't watched it yet!)

You guys are talking about Lost and American Idol...Let's talk 24!!!

Spoiler alert!

They were so nice to give us 4 hours of 24 over two nights, but now....what?

Wayne Palmer as president...thoughts?

I mean Jack shot Curtis in the throat to PROTECT a Terrorist?

And seriously, what's with the guy holding the family hostage in the house? Isn't that the White Castle guy, Kumar? Not real believeable!

Milo as a boss? I think ...
Read more : 24 (spoiler alert if you haven't watched it yet!) | Views : 311 | Replies : 2


Where is Ark-I sure miss her :(
Read more : Arklahoma | Views : 369 | Replies : 4

New Year Resolutions (or any other kind of resolutions)

This was sent to me today by one of the myriad self improvement sites I subscribe to - it is an old story (and as I heard it previously, it was Demonthenes not Socrates) but a very relevant one.

There is nothing like motivation to see you reach your goals.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take - but by the moments that take our breath away." --

Now that ...
Read more : New Year Resolutions (or any other kind of resolutions) | Views : 335 | Replies : 3

Make sure when drink you 'wee'!!

I guess this radio station can expect a whopping huge lawsuit this week:

(Moral of this story - if you are drinking heaps - make sure the bathroom is nearby!)

US woman dies of water intoxication

January 14, 2007 - 1:49PM

A 28-year-old woman has died of water intoxication after taking part in a Californian radio station's water drinking contest. She was in the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" competition trying to win a ...
Read more : Make sure when drink you 'wee'!! | Views : 488 | Replies : 10


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