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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)


I have a question to ask you all....can anyone tell me all they know about Lexapro? Its a antidepression med, that much I know. My doc just put me on has not been good...anyway ever time I try to look it up online it takes forever to load the all I get is web page can't be I am asking you all for help.
Thank you
Read more : depression | Views : 885 | Replies : 15

Be added to my Travelogue for Hong Kong!

We leave three weeks from today for 12 days in Hong Kong and while traveling I will be updating my travelogue with pictures, descriptions and experiences. With one click I can email everyone on my list the latest adventures and pictures. If you would like to be on the list please PM me your email address. I promise not to SPAM you!
Read more : Be added to my Travelogue for Hong Kong! | Views : 1839 | Replies : 33

Baby Boy Roberts

I am sending Unca a 3D Ultrasound picture of our son who is due April 24th. Enjoy!!

Read more : Baby Boy Roberts | Views : 904 | Replies : 15

Outer Banks

We are visiting the Outer Banks in early September. We have never been there before. Does anyone have any tips about the different towns? Recommendations for dinner, activities, etc?
Read more : Outer Banks | Views : 436 | Replies : 4

Migraines are the worst

Hello, all. I'm back after a 3-day migraine that has left me a bit weak and out of it. It had nothing to do with Medifast, I just get these 1-2 times a month and sometimes they last less than a day and others are marathons.

So -- what's been happening? Guess I'd better start reading. I know I need to catch a ride on the 14-Day Commitment Train (3 days late, but hey).
Read more : Migraines are the worst | Views : 465 | Replies : 11


Hello, Everyone:

I know some of you are going to have a tit fit because I started this thread. But I am sure that you will get over it after you post a few sarcastic comments. :lol:

Sorry for not posting sooner, but I was in the ER all of Friday evening. I was being tested for a minor stroke. I tried to rest all day Saturday ...
Read more : 14-DAY COMMITMENT CHALLENGE - #1 | Views : 509 | Replies : 9


I took my State Board Licensure Exam on Wednesday the 24th. I got my results today. I passed!! I am officially a LICENSED health care professional!!
Read more : YAY FOR ME!!!!! | Views : 499 | Replies : 14

My New Diet....

The following program was passed on to me by a "friend". I can't swear to the veracity of the story, butt, I think there's a lesson to be learned here about "fad" diets... ;)

Just the laugh you need today---

I was in Wal-Mart buying a large bag of Purina for Lilly and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had ...
Read more : My New Diet.... | Views : 566 | Replies : 9


Anyone have any experience with themselves, family or friends having hyperthyroidism? My Mom was just diagnosed and she's being given the option of:

1. Pills daily to control it (one side effect is that the pills affect bone density)
2. The radioactive iodine pill to "kill" part of the thyroid. Potential pills for life.
3. Surgery to remove the thyroid and then pills to regulate thyroid for life.

I'm starting to do research now. ...
Read more : Hyperthyroidism | Views : 626 | Replies : 12


So I have to see a urologist.Never been...just wondering if any one can tell me what there experience has been.I am rather nervous and worried.And go figure, no appointments available until APRIL!?!?!? If this is too personal I understand...thanks. :)
Read more : Urologist | Views : 434 | Replies : 5


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