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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

Nice Thought for the Day out of one of my Meditation books

but very Medifast appriopriate I thought!

The saddest records are made by people who ran well, with brave, stout hearts, until the the sight of the goal and then some weakness or self-indulgence held them back. They never knew how near the goal they were or how near they were to victory.
Read more : Nice Thought for the Day out of one of my Meditation books | Views : 430 | Replies : 7

Valentine's Day

So I am single and have never had a valentine...but I love to live through other peoples wonderful planned nights, for now.I've been sitting here talking to my friend, who will be going to The Melting Pot w/her hubby...never been there myself.And got to thinkin what everyone here was planning on what's everyone got planned?
Read more : Valentine's Day | Views : 1116 | Replies : 19

Shaving issues...

weird...I know. But I'm having a really tough time with this lately and was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. Image

I can't seem to get all the hair under my arms when I shave anymore! Image I can't stand one single little stubble left in my pits...drives me NUTS! I've tried new blade after new blade thinking that was the problem. But it's not. The problem is that my pits now ...
Read more : Shaving issues... | Views : 2177 | Replies : 45

Help! Your suggestions are needed for artistic inspiration!

My new anti-manic meds have made me sleep better but have also taken away some of my artistic drive and inspiration! If you have any ideas for my next project please let me know. To summarize we have done Leopardizations, Disney Princesses and Movie Stars. Or if any posters I overlooked would like to be photoshopped in any of these categories please let me know. The oversight was unintentional and I know we have a ...
Read more : Help! Your suggestions are needed for artistic inspiration! | Views : 1025 | Replies : 21

Invasion: San Diego

Just a reminder, TSFL is having its Super Saturday event in San Diego this weekend.

Where: Holiday Inn Harbor Bay (across from the Star of India).
When: Friday Feb 9 7-9, Saturday Feb 10 9-5.

If you are in the area, bring a friend.

Nancy, Terri, Unca (?), Diana, Dayna, Jan, and many others will be there.

Its going to be a great time with Dr. Anderson and all of the other TSFL folks.

I ...
Read more : Invasion: San Diego | Views : 654 | Replies : 6

Wow....(Anna Nicole Smith)

Anna Nicole Smith died.
Read more : Wow....(Anna Nicole Smith) | Views : 815 | Replies : 13

New it too good to be true?

I found a surprisingly wonderful tasting drink. It is made by Sturm's and is called Spiced Cider. It can be prepared cold or hot. I tried it hot and it is really good. It comes 10 to a box in little pouches like the Crystal Light "to go". I paid $2.78 at Walmart for a box of 10 packets.

Nutritional facts...
10 calories
2 carbs

first ingredients are Malic Acid, Maltodextrin, Natural flavors, Sodium Citrate ...
Read more : New it too good to be true? | Views : 390 | Replies : 3

Stress and its consequences: making the connection

Today has been stressful and it isn't even lunchtime yet! I have a really jam-packed schedule and manage to juggle everything well -- now I think I know why. When things started getting a little tense at work today all I could think about was stuffing my face with something calorie-laden and yummy. The difference is, this time (unlike all the other times) I didn't. This is a big step for me and I have ...
Read more : Stress and its consequences: making the connection | Views : 399 | Replies : 5


Okay, I don't think its been brought up here. Does anybody watch this show.
Being the biology and genetics freak that I am, I love this show. Besides, George Takei is in it now.... :kool:

I just finished Michael Crichtons book, Next. It was interesting, just as much as it was all over the place. Not his best work in my view (I've read all of them, ...
Read more : Heroes | Views : 331 | Replies : 5


Ooooee, Unca, we have got some trolls on the board. Sic em! :shock:
Read more : Trolls | Views : 339 | Replies : 3


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