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Give us the skinny in the losers lounge.
(Anything off topic)

Positive thoughts please

As many of you who were on last August, my best friends mom passed and I went back with him to Oklahoma for the funeral.
Well, seems like my other best friends dad is in his last stages and has come home to spend his last days somewhere peaceful. In addition to that, I found out that his wifes Uncle is also at a similar place.
Please send Roland and Jami and their family positive ...
Read more : Positive thoughts please | Views : 548 | Replies : 12

This just in - no need to exercise AND diet

I ran across this on REUTERS today. Seems someone outside of Medifast has figured out what Dr. Anderson has been saying all along. :mrgreen:

No need to diet AND exercise to lose weight?

Thu Feb 22, 9:23 AM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A new study debunks the widely held belief that diet plus exercise is the most effective way to lose weight. Researchers report ...
Read more : This just in - no need to exercise AND diet | Views : 400 | Replies : 10

Where is everybody?!?!?!!?

This forum and the Weight Loss forum seem to have gone really quiet lately. I know everyone is busy, but one of the reasons I joined this one after lurking on several MF boards is that there was so much activity.

I always learn something - and occasionally can offer an opinion.

Let's keep up the chatter, folks! :-P
Read more : Where is everybody?!?!?!!? | Views : 862 | Replies : 21


Ok, I am Jewish, but my friend's son is giving up the internet for Lent.
I said if an 18 year old can give up the internet for the 40 days of Lent, I can stop cheating for that long as well.

So I am starting my own 40-day challenge to see if I can do it. That should take me right to April Fool's Day just in time for a weigh-in.

Anyone want to ...
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Anyone into photography?

I am looking for a new lens for my Nikon D70S and was looking for advice...
Read more : Anyone into photography? | Views : 766 | Replies : 16

I'm gonna be a Nonna!

My child is having her child Wednesday, making Brian and myself Nonno and Nonna! Image

Her due date is actually on Friday the 23rd, she had an ultrasound today to size him up. He's approximately 8 lbs 10 ozs right now (give or take a few ozs)! 1 cm dilated, 50 % effaced. Doc said "lets rock n roll!". :D

So...I'm headed out first thing in ...
Read more : I'm gonna be a Nonna! | Views : 922 | Replies : 25

Presidential election

I definately don't want to start a political discussion here, but is anyone else sick of the presidential election coverage already???????? :x
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Brief Hiatus but Now I'm Back

Been kind of hit and miss lately, and I know it's been affecting my "compliance" to the program. Good news is, no weight gain...bad news is, no weight loss.

Also been stressing out over a "job" search. I had worked for 25 years with the same company until '05 when it started turning all "dark" and "corporate" and I was being systematically pushed out the door for younger, cheaper, and dare I say it, thinner ...
Read more : Brief Hiatus but Now I'm Back | Views : 349 | Replies : 6

L.A.Weight Loss

Did anyody watch the 20-20 expose' of L.A.Weight Loss last night? Anybody been exposed to these kind of sales tactics? :shock:
Read more : L.A.Weight Loss | Views : 443 | Replies : 12

Hypothyroidism/Underactive Thyroid.....UPDATED LAB RESULTS!!

I had to go Monday and get a physical for work because I was trying to go from the 2nd level of Life Insurance to 4X my base salary and of course the Insurance company didn't believe that I had lost 153 pounds from last year when I tried to do this.. .. the physical went fine and the doc was shocked at my weight loss, but praised me for making a healthy change in ...
Read more : Hypothyroidism/Underactive Thyroid.....UPDATED LAB RESULTS!! | Views : 1972 | Replies : 28


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