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Day 1 - Packet #4

Hi All - As I promised myself and told all of you - today is the day.
I am back on the program. I actually feel pretty good. Am going to give the scrambled eggs a try tonight. As before I am going to do the full fast for a week or 2 - doctor said ok.

And for any newbie - or anyone else for that matter, I highly recommend the new M/F book ...
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Going to do it this time

Hi everyone,
I'm just starting again. This is not my first time on MF, as I see is common for a lot of people here. I'm too scared to weigh myself now but I weigh a lot more now than I did last time I started MF. The thing I've been missing in my life is exercise, so this time I think I'm going to succeed by incorporating exercise. Can't wait.

Good luck to everyone ...
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Nice Thought for the Day out of one of my Meditation books

but very Medifast appriopriate I thought!

The saddest records are made by people who ran well, with brave, stout hearts, until the the sight of the goal and then some weakness or self-indulgence held them back. They never knew how near the goal they were or how near they were to victory.
Read more : Nice Thought for the Day out of one of my Meditation books | Views : 432 | Replies : 7 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Sweet Deal! Special Promotion & Discount for BeSlim Club

:puter: Howdy Everyone!

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many shops are decorated with ribbons and lace, :heart: red hearts and chubby babies with wings.

( :scratch: Why is it chunky thighs and beefy arms are cute on infants and rather appalling on adults?)

Cupid’s arrows are flying through the air and thanks to TSFL, Cupid’s flinging cas\$h, too.

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Why we should drink our water

So I was in Walmart today. And I found this great huge Water Jug to drink out of. It holds 64oz at a time. But the cool thing is It gives you reasons why you should drink your water

Water regulates the temperature of the human body, carries nutrients and oxyden to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, and removes wastes.

Here are the Facts
: The Body is 80% water
: We need ...
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Valentine's Day

So I am single and have never had a valentine...but I love to live through other peoples wonderful planned nights, for now.I've been sitting here talking to my friend, who will be going to The Melting Pot w/her hubby...never been there myself.And got to thinkin what everyone here was planning on what's everyone got planned?
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Shaving issues...

weird...I know. But I'm having a really tough time with this lately and was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. Image

I can't seem to get all the hair under my arms when I shave anymore! Image I can't stand one single little stubble left in my pits...drives me NUTS! I've tried new blade after new blade thinking that was the problem. But it's not. The problem is that my pits now ...
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Week 46 comparison shots...

I still have 1.2 lbs to go and LOTS of toning...but I'm a pretty happy camper with my results so far.

I have lost a total of 81 inches Image
neck ~ 4.5
bust ~ 14
arms ~ 8.5 (both combined)
waist ~ 16
hips ~ 18
thighs ~ 20 (both combined)



and one with the puppers...just cuz they're incredibly cute! ;)

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Medifasters as the Cast of Gilligan's Island

Thanks Alex, for the idea.
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New pics of me. Different than past pics

Here are some comparisons from last summer (beginning of July) til now.

Dr. Anderson from Take Shape for Life and I in 7-2006

Nancy, Terry and I in 7-2006

These were taken today.

These too!

Big changes, and my gut is flattening. Back last year I started in size 60 jeans and 4XL shirts. The pictures above, from last summer, were when I was down approximately 40-50 lbs or so. The ...
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