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Where is everybody?!?!?!!?

This forum and the Weight Loss forum seem to have gone really quiet lately. I know everyone is busy, but one of the reasons I joined this one after lurking on several MF boards is that there was so much activity.

I always learn something - and occasionally can offer an opinion.

Let's keep up the chatter, folks! :-P
Read more : Where is everybody?!?!?!!? | Views : 865 | Replies : 21 | Forum : What's Shakin'

I'm "OFFICIALLY" shakin:+)

Well here i am and shakin!!!!
I'm soooooo EXCITED!! My product came yesterday, and i swallowed my first shake at i'm just finishing my second shake at 11:30am. I have drank 3 glasses of water so i'm on'a role...yayyyyyy!!!!

Thank you all for being here...feels so good to know i am writing to friends that are on the same journey as myself. I will be in here everyday that i can...good or bad:+) ...
Read more : I'm "OFFICIALLY" shakin:+) | Views : 778 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Come on in.


Ok, I am Jewish, but my friend's son is giving up the internet for Lent.
I said if an 18 year old can give up the internet for the 40 days of Lent, I can stop cheating for that long as well.

So I am starting my own 40-day challenge to see if I can do it. That should take me right to April Fool's Day just in time for a weigh-in.

Anyone want to ...
Read more : Lent | Views : 1307 | Replies : 37 | Forum : What's Shakin'

night shift

Hi everyone ,

I’ve been on and off Medifast for the last year now. I really want to get with it and get this weight off once and for all. I work night shift . I’ve been trying to drink my shakes during the day while I’m sleeping but sometimes its hard to wake up and I end up missing some shakes . Would it be better to drink them at night while im working? ...
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After several weeks of lurking, I finally got up the courage to join this forum and introduce myself. Hello...I started MF on January 29th and have lost so far 16.5 pounds. I am truly amazed at my progress. I was on Medifast years ago - like in 1990 - and now there are several more options other than just the shakes. The 5:1 is wonderful. I too, like so many of you, have been on ...
Read more : Hello | Views : 302 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Come on in.

For those who slipped up

Hi all, I am just beginning. For those who slipped up one day, was it a huge set back weight wise. I was good all day and at night last night I slipped up ate a larger than normal chicken and veggie dinner with 2 glasses of wine. This morning I haven't eaten yet. I have been on MF for only 6 days before my slip. Thanks for your info.
Read more : For those who slipped up | Views : 391 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

Anyone into photography?

I am looking for a new lens for my Nikon D70S and was looking for advice...
Read more : Anyone into photography? | Views : 768 | Replies : 16 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Goal Pictures!!

Here I am, total actual weight lost is 162 pounds lost since May 1st. 06.

Here is me at my heaviest which was 340 pounds, and carrying my daughter who was 6 months old at the time and now she is 20 months old! :)


And here I am pretty much at goal of 180+ pounds, a lean mean machine!! ...
Read more : Goal Pictures!! | Views : 8473 | Replies : 48 | Forum : Studio

I'm gonna be a Nonna!

My child is having her child Wednesday, making Brian and myself Nonno and Nonna! Image

Her due date is actually on Friday the 23rd, she had an ultrasound today to size him up. He's approximately 8 lbs 10 ozs right now (give or take a few ozs)! 1 cm dilated, 50 % effaced. Doc said "lets rock n roll!". :D

So...I'm headed out first thing in ...
Read more : I'm gonna be a Nonna! | Views : 924 | Replies : 25 | Forum : What's Shakin'

To start or no to start..........

I am just beginning MF for the first time. I have the last 25 stubborn pounds to go. I know I have 2 events in early March, that I know I will break the MF program for those nights. In your experience, should I just wait until I can dedicate 30 straight days? How bad would it be to break it one night - with booze and food.
Read more : To start or no to start.......... | Views : 401 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Come on in.


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