It is currently March 5th, 2025, 9:24 pm

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Hit 10 pounds

I am really happy. I set a goal of 10 pounds in my first month and I'm down 10 1/2. It wasn't hard, following the program is easy. they have made it easy for us.

I haven't decided if I should set 10 for this month. I really want to but I want to be realistic.

What do you think? What do you think is doable????
Read more : Hit 10 pounds | Views : 831 | Replies : 19 | Forum : Come on in.


Well, today is my first day back on Medifast. I am sooo happy to be doing this again. My first attempt was halted due to an unexpected pregnancy...

Ladies watch out! Medifast can make you ovulate erratically!

Anyway, I had a beautiful baby girl so now I have 3 kids, 2 of which are only 15 months apart. At least they will have each other to play and fight with LOL! ...
Read more : Pashta | Views : 7277 | Replies : 252 | Forum : My Journal

A Parade to save

Anybody see today's issue of Parade magazine in your Sunday paper? I think it is a keeper (you can read it online at parade dot com). There were two great articles in the paper today: one on how to stop the aging process -- who knew? -- and a very good article on making more time for yourself. I'm saving the magazine to read later.

There's also an article on better sex but I won't ...
Read more : A Parade to save | Views : 423 | Replies : 2 | Forum : What's Shakin'


Ok, so here's my journal...

I'll admit it. I'm so totally frustrated!!!! :x This weight loss seems to be going SO slowly... I'm going to have to do something to figure out what's up with my schedule or choices or something.

On the other hand, there is something very good about trying. I'm glad I'm here among such a neat group of super supportive folks who are ...
Read more : larahb68 | Views : 2665 | Replies : 78 | Forum : My Journal

Hi...I'm new

Hello everyone.

I'm waiting to get off antibiotics to start my 5+1 next week. I've medifasted a couple of years ago but sabotaged myself as a stressed out grad student mom in New Orleans where the food was abundantly available and yummier than I could resist. I'm a couple of years wiser and have the tools to set myself up for success this time.

My parents have used Medifast to lose (and sadly later regain:( ...
Read more : Hi...I'm new | Views : 831 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

Here in spirit...

Greetings to all! I'm a new MFer and just wanted to say hello. I'll be posting tomorrow for the first roll call. I've been on plan for the last 2 weeks or so. Started out at 200.6 and want to get back down to my 130 where I was so comfortable in the past. I'm a physician assistant and it's hard to encourage others to be healthy when I so feel like I am not. ...
Read more : Here in spirit... | Views : 349 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.

Starting Sunday

Hi Everyone !!
I'm new to the MF program. I need to
lose about 100 pounds. Iam only 5"2 and
254 pounds. I hope this works for me too.
I have four young children (11,6,5,2).
I would love to be around to watch them grow up.
So any tips on how to make it through the first
couple of days?
Thanks dmhearts
Read more : Starting Sunday | Views : 960 | Replies : 25 | Forum : Come on in.

Special Sale on some Medifast Meal Bars

:puter: Hot off the press!

We received notice of an additional March Medifast product special for the next 2 WEEKS ONLY!

Save $2.25 per box

Lemon Yogurt Bars (Item #65200) now $13.00 per box

Diabetic Chocolate Crunch Bars (Item #70500) now $13.00 per box
Diabetic Peanut Butter Bars (Item #70600) now $13.00 per box

For a VERY limited time, Take Shape For Life is offering ...
Read more : Special Sale on some Medifast Meal Bars | Views : 1040 | Replies : 1 | Forum : A Message from your Hosts


Good Morning everyone!! Just wanted to wish my fellow shakers a very Happy St. Patrick's Day:+)

<snip>no urls please - Mr. Snippy</snip>

Read more : "HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY" | Views : 334 | Replies : 3 | Forum : What's Shakin'


I've read many of the journals posted here and found them very encouraging. Encouragement - the lending of courage. That is what the members of this forum do, they lend their courage.

I recently celebrated my 57th birthday and at the end of May my husband and I will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. I have two grown children (son and daughter) and two grandchildren (boy and girl.) Over the last five years I've lost ...
Read more : JonnaD | Views : 4125 | Replies : 126 | Forum : My Journal


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