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I really need some help and encouragement

Most of you guys here knew me this time last year as falisamarie. I was doing so well on program. I started Jan 15, 2006 and by June 23, 2006 had lost just over 100 pounds from my highest weight and right at 90 pounds on program. Then I fell off the wagon and since that time I have put all my weight back on and then some. I am miserable right now. I know ...
Read more : I really need some help and encouragement | Views : 2345 | Replies : 47 | Forum : Come on in.

Walden Farms coupon good through tomorrow

If you purchase Walden Farms products or would like to try them, there is an online coupon that is awesome. Our local stores don't carry Walden Farms products so this was great for me to be able to try some of them at a substantial savings. The coupon can be found at www dot waldenfarms dot com/cookinglight/ It is buy 1 item get 2 items free, or buy 2 get 4 free or buy 3 ...
Read more : Walden Farms coupon good through tomorrow | Views : 2146 | Replies : 30 | Forum : What's Shakin'

1/2 & 1/2 question

I have to have my 2 T of 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffe every morning. My question is...... which 1/2 &1/2 is better for this program, F.F. or regular? The reason I'm asking is because the F.F. has less calories and no fat, but triple the carb amount. Here are the differences: F.F.- per 2 T serving has 20 cal., 0 fat, and 3 carbs. Regular has 40 cal., 3.5 fat, and 1 carb ...
Read more : 1/2 & 1/2 question | Views : 378 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.



it's a wonderful day today! i don't feel sluggish and am actually anticipating taking the children to the park...

it's kind of embarassing to have to keep coming back to medifast after i decided to stray away from it, but....i tried on some pants the other day and i could not believe that a 16 was starting to get snug. i grabbed a different style of 16's just to make sure.... and same ...
Read more : Thinkthin | Views : 965 | Replies : 18 | Forum : My Journal

Back in the saddle... :)

Hi everyone,

I have been away for awhile - travelling for work - but am so happy to be back home, back on the boards and most importantly back on the program! I learned that extreme stress + travel are a bad combination for me when trying to stay true to the program. Luckily, I didn't gain any weight while I was away so it's easier to jump back in again.

I plan events for ...
Read more : Back in the saddle... :) | Views : 464 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Come on in.

I survived day one--THANKS EVERYBODY!

Wow! I am so happy, I survived day one! Part of me doesn't believe it, part of me knew I could do it, and another part of me is fearful that although I didn't blow it yesterday, I will blow it any day now!

Also, I have 2 lunch meetings next week. I am scared that I might blow it there. If I don't eat, everybody is going to ask why I am not eating ...
Read more : I survived day one--THANKS EVERYBODY! | Views : 400 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Just Wondering........

Since I've been back (which hasn't been that long), I was wondering if anyone has heard from Dede, Elke, Arklahoma, Alohacate, Alex, Marge, VictoriousNat or Sojourner? Sorry if I misspelled anyones name. I don't see any recent posts. They all used to post alot the last time I was here.
Read more : Just Wondering........ | Views : 432 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Allie's Before Pics

Here we go. These pics were taken last Sunday and the Wildflower 100 Bike Ride. I am hoping to lose between 60 and 70 pounds. I rode 40 miles this day, score one for the "fat cyclist". LOL It's tough to be involved in a sport where the majority of the participants are lean. I am wearing an XX Large t-shirt with hopes that it would cover my rolls. Now that I see myself in ...
Read more : Allie's Before Pics | Views : 1133 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Studio


Hi, my name's Rochelle, I'm 28. This is my first time here. Wow! MF sounds like it might work for me. I'm at my highest weight ever(240/250). I've yo-yo dieted my whole life and have never been able to keep weight off. I had my third child in Sept. and I'm ready to feel better :D ! I was cosidering LapBand surgery but it's pretty drastic. ...
Read more : hi | Views : 533 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Come on in.

afternoon of day one, somebody gave me a cookie~

Ugh!!! I just returned to my desk and my co-worker left me a home-made cookie on my desk. It looks so good, and it would be rude to throw it out in front of her. I wanted to eat it so bad!!! However, I just kept it on my desk, once the co-worker left I tossed it in the trash can.

Wow, that feels kind of good that I did that. When I was debating ...
Read more : afternoon of day one, somebody gave me a cookie~ | Views : 402 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Come on in.


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