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Starting my Disney workout tomorrow!

I finally decided to put my money down and splurge on some annual Disneyland passes. We (bf and I) have noticed that we really don't do anything Saturdays and Sundays. We are only a hop and a skip from the Magic Kingdom. It will be nice to spend time with each other walking around the parks or "downtown" - better then staying in and sitting. Since I'm lucky enough to have a 4 day weekend ...
Read more : Starting my Disney workout tomorrow! | Views : 570 | Replies : 9 | Forum : What's Shakin'

giving in?

I have been reading some of the new posts where people are starting and getting munchies. You guys all say it takes the 3 days to get back into it. Is that if you completely go off it? Or can you do all your shakes and say have cheese pizza for dinner one night. Will you feel bad for the next 3 days just for that? Just wondering I have been having some real cravings ...
Read more : giving in? | Views : 1173 | Replies : 27 | Forum : Come on in.

Help, medical test fast

Read more : Help, medical test fast | Views : 385 | Replies : 1 | Forum : What's Shakin'

1st week on the program

Hello everyone, I would like to say that I started the program on Friday 5/19/07 and I weighed 156.4 lbs. Well, today I weighed in at 150.6lbs. I am so excited about this program. I have tried so many programs and means of losing weight, but to no avail. So I am definitely sticking to this. I feel real good, I am excited and cant wait to get to my goal weight of 135lbs.

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Well, Here I am at the end of day three of the diet.

The first day 5/19/07 was rough because I ended up on a day trip w/out enough shakes. The one I did have was not edible at room temperature (note to self - shakes must be very hot or very cold). I did good and didn't eat any junk all day. I figured that it was a perfect time to start, because if ...
Read more : Misssy | Views : 959 | Replies : 16 | Forum : My Journal

I need some advice from you folks

Hi everyone,

My Grammy's (the person I care about more than anyone else on this earth) had a stroke this weekend and is getting out of the hospital today. She (thankfully) didn't lose any motor functions or anything, and is not ready to not live on her own I'm looking. She was on the floor for nearly 24 hours before she was discovered. I'm SICK with worry!

I'm looking for someone that comes to ...
Read more : I need some advice from you folks | Views : 1046 | Replies : 15 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Strange Situation

Hi Guys,

Don't know if you remember I wrote about having a terrible metallic taste and an awful dryness inside my mouth and tongue. I was really scared I became allergic to the food. After talking with Lori Anderson and Dr. Anderson, they suggested I go off program for a few days to see if the situation improved. Well it did, the taste went away but still having a bit of a problem with the ...
Read more : Strange Situation | Views : 439 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Come on in.

new person

hi everyone, i'm kindof new to this. i've been on medifast about a week and have lost 7 pounds. i weighed 193 to start. i'm 5'1. everyone here seems so supportive. and i've just had a bad day. i eat when i'm mad. and today was really bad. i had nutirgrain chips and wheat fig newtons!! i feel so bad now because i've been doing to good. i just had to get past those first ...
Read more : new person | Views : 385 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Just wondering....

Okay, hi there!

First post, and I think I'm on my second day...unless you guys say otherwise.

I got my shipment on Friday and started immediately on Saturday (yesterday) and had a great day UNTIL...the munchies hit me; crazy munchies! I ate three Grand Biscuits with cinnamon. It was great...but the guilt!

So started today and thus far have been on plan all day and (thankfully) no munchie monster has haunted me.

So...did I start ...
Read more : Just wondering.... | Views : 422 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Come on in.


Well, after 9 weeks on MF I think it is time to start a journal. Okay, so this is how my story starts. I've been married 11 years, and have four kids.
( 12, 6,5,2). Two boys two girls. After having my first child I put on a lot of weight, and it just coming after that. I've tryed countless diets with no results, till MF. When I started I weighed 252# and I am ...
Read more : dmhearts | Views : 4163 | Replies : 141 | Forum : My Journal


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