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I'm afraid of the bars

I received my package today and am already afraid of the bars. I know myself well, and know I have binged on diet bars in the past and don't want to risk it.

Is it o.k. to do MF without the bars? May sound like a silly question, but I see that they are nearly double the calories and am concerned about my metabolism slowing if I do *not* eat them...meaning getting too few calories ...
Read more : I'm afraid of the bars | Views : 454 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Come on in.

Newbie with question about veggies

Hi all!

I just received my MF box and will be beginning tomorrow. Yay!

I had a question about the veggies for the Lean & Green meal. In the quick start guide it says "select ANY combination of three servings each day. One serving = 1 cup raw salad greens or 1/2 cup of vegetables." Does this mean that we are supposed to have three servings of a "green" with our Lean & Green meal? ...
Read more : Newbie with question about veggies | Views : 489 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Water or Coke?

Water or Coke????????????????
I recently received this in an e-mail. Thought it would be interensting to see what people thought.


#1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
(Likely applies to half the world population.)

#2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak
that it is mistaken for hunger.

#3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.

#4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
for ...
Read more : Water or Coke? | Views : 388 | Replies : 1 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Starting August 1st

Hi Everyone
My name is Mary Jo and I am starting tomorrow August 1st. I lost over 100 lbs about 12 years ago and up til the last several years was able to keep it off for the most part. I have had a weight problem my entire life and sometimes I get so tired of dealing with it. I am sure many of you can relate. Anyway, this needs to work for me. I ...
Read more : Starting August 1st | Views : 874 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Come on in.

41 Down

Yes I am down 41 pounds and I'm thrilled. I reach this mini goal I set. I wanted to weigh 155 pounds when I went on my cruise next week and I'm at 154 so I'm feeling good. I'm going away again in November and I just want to be in the 140 range. Love this program and I thank you for your support.
Read more : 41 Down | Views : 400 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Come on in.


So...remember the comic that used to wear the bag on his head so no one knew who he was? Well I feel like that, so I chose it for me. For now I will be the Unknown Dieter, I have hung around, and I mean aR-O-U-N-D for a while,I have posted a few times, tried a few times, failed a few times.

I don't smoke...used to and to took a few times...

I get ...
Read more : UNKNOWN DIETER | Views : 500 | Replies : 12 | Forum : My Journal

Coldwater Creek fans

I know we have a few here. Just an FYI on a recall:

Product: Shawl collar sweaters, distributed by Coldwater Creek
Hazard: The sweaters fail to meet federal flammability requirements.
Description: The recall involves only red shawl collar sweaters. The textured yarn sweaters were sold in sizes XS through 3X. A tag sewn into the neck of the sweater displays the Coldwater Creek brand logo.
Sold by: Coldwater Creek catalog and from November through ...
Read more : Coldwater Creek fans | Views : 422 | Replies : 2 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Good Morning

This is my two week check in. I am getting in the routine and know this is something that I can continue with. I am down 14.8 lbs.

I was wondering how the ones who started in July are doing. And everyone else of course!

What are changes that you have seen in July?

I have found the food that I like and have stocked up on some of those. I have my routine down ...
Read more : Good Morning | Views : 352 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.

Stop Smoking Challenge

Who smokes, and who wants to quit?

Anyone want to join me?
Read more : Stop Smoking Challenge | Views : 4480 | Replies : 51 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Help!!!! CD-ROM issues

While my computer was still under warranty in February, our CD-ROM stopped recognizing any disk placed it it, either music, programs or picture disks. I went through what seemed like hours of trouble shooting until they determined it was a hardware issue and sent a technician to replace it. Now, out of warranty, the problem is happening again. It worked fine for 5-6 months and when you try to use a disk it says please ...
Read more : Help!!!! CD-ROM issues | Views : 455 | Replies : 6 | Forum : What's Shakin'


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