Hey, sorry this is not a good visusal, I am always on the go. I don't do pics, so that makes everyone here very special that I am going to share with you. :D
I have sent the pic, I am sure it will be here sooner than I like.
Read more :Steph here | Views : 1345 | Replies : 6 | Forum :Studio
Unca Tim is going to post a couple of pics for me. The one with the shoulder length curly hair (natural!) is on my work website, taken almost 4 year ago. The one in the red blouse is from mid-December of this year, after 4 weeks on Medifast. You can't see alot of difference in the picture, but I sure felt it!
I chose 'Me' as my name because I couldn't think of anything else to call myself. I am the 17 year old daughter of 'final_straw', she has been bugging me to come visit this site ever since she found it. I coudl stand to lose about 50lbs and maybe be at the weight I've always thought I wanted to be. I've tried everytihng else my mom has including the Adkins which worked for a while ...
Read more :newb | Views : 777 | Replies : 4 | Forum :Come on in.
I only have a "before" cause I've been on M-fast for 8 days. I hope to add a great "after" to this post after my goal of a 90# loss!
This is my adorable husband and me - married 1.5 years. We got married later in life (I'm 39, he's 36.) No kids (yet) but we'd love some! I've been a TV reporter/talk show host for 15 years in Seattle. Don's a steer ...
Hello everyone. I am new to this board and after reading a month's worth of posts, decided to join in. I've been on the Medifast program since 1/2/04 and am doing well. I have 100+ pounds to lose but I know with God's help and determination I can become healthy! I am having one problem, though, and wondered if anyone had any advice. I love bouillon, but every time I've had 1 cup, I experience ...
Read more :Help! | Views : 719 | Replies : 2 | Forum :Come on in.
this is susan 231# I was really fat but now I am 40# lighter. at 5" 3 in. you can not carry this much wt. and look anything but fat. the next picture you see will be a skinner one. It is so wonderful to see averone come an everone put your picture on.
I have decided to post my picture. I agree that it really makes it more interesting when you "can see" who you are "talking" to. I will be emailing my photo to Unca Tim and ask him to place it below. It is only head and shoulders shot but is all that I have stored on my computer. So when Unca Tim receives the picture and inserts it, my identity will no longer be a ...
Read more :My picture | Views : 1512 | Replies : 7 | Forum :Studio
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post. I am beginning the 4th day on the program. I have lost 6 lbs in the first 3 days :D. I am doing the 5&1 program right now. I've experienced very little hunger since yesterday. I do have a concern though. I am leaving for a 12 day trip on Feb 10th to see family and friends. They are ...
Ok....here is my pic (when Unca Tim gets it here). This is me and my son Joshua at Disneyland. I obviously don't do body shots....but will post my full before picture WHEN I'm able to take my after picture.