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Thinking about ordering

Hello everyone. I just recently found medifast and am thinking about ordering. Do you have any advice on what to order. I've seen the variety packs on the medifast website but I don't want a bunch of food I won't like. How many shakes should I order for the four week plan? I heard that three shakes a day is optimal so that would be 90 shakes or 13 boxes, is that right? I would ...
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Feedback on Day One, Please :-)

Hi, all!!

OK, so I wasn't planning to start until tomorrow because my food was arriving today. So the plan for today was to eat healthy and light. BUT my food arrived SO DARN EARLY that I decided to jump in - - I had had a light granola bar for breakfast (which was less calories/carbs, etc than a MF bar) and then salad greens - - so I figured I could hop into MF ...
Read more : Feedback on Day One, Please :-) | Views : 544 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Come on in.

Proper # of shakes a day?!?

I thought I read somewhere - - and OF COURSE I can't find it now :x - - that you should have three shakes a day....

Is that right?

I ask because my first shipment just arrived and I got the pre-packaged for a month foods - - and there are not enough shakes to have 3 a day.... I would assume its not a requirement ...
Read more : Proper # of shakes a day?!? | Views : 612 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.

Things you may not know about me......

Ok, new topic, folks. I'll start this one with:

My name is NOT Joleen Sue!!! It's not even Joleen!!! :mrgreen:
Read more : Things you may not know about me...... | Views : 4105 | Replies : 63 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Link to Getting Started Guide?

?!? I am 99% certain (1% margin of error that I'm an idiot, lol) that I saw a link to an online getting started guide yesterday....but now I can't find it!! My food s/b here tomorrow and I want to start Friday so I wanted to get started on my reading.....but now I can't find the silly link.

Can someone post it or PM it to me, please? Purty please with your favorite shake on ...
Read more : Link to Getting Started Guide? | Views : 481 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.

Howdy from Ohio

Hey all, here I am in Ohio. My sister in Sandy, OR got me started on the program. I have been true to the letter for going on two weeks now and I have been reading posts here and on the Lean Cuisine since I started (THANKS FOR LOTS OF GREAT ADVICE) I am down about 15 pounds and one pant size ALREADY!!! :D Today has ...
Read more : Howdy from Ohio | Views : 575 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Come on in.

Everything you WISH you'd known on DAY ONE....

Hi, all:

As I said in my newbie post, I am starting the MF plan on Friday for the first time. So, I wondered what you wish you knew on day 1 that you didn't know, tricks you learned along the way, things not found in the guide or anything that would have made starting the plan easier, better or more knowledgeable.

TIA for letting me pick your brains ...
Read more : Everything you WISH you'd known on DAY ONE.... | Views : 1376 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Come on in.

Newbie Alert!!

Hi, y'all!

I'm a newbie! My MF meals are in the mail and due to arrive on the 4th. I was soooooooooo excited to find MF when I ordered and now I am getting NERVOUS! It's way too soon for that, I know. I'm afraid I wont like the meals (I'm such a picky eater) but I really want to get this weight off!! A horrible marraige and a even worse divorce (which isn't over ...
Read more : Newbie Alert!! | Views : 582 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Come on in.

We're sticking to it

Hi all you stickers,

This is a thread where we can check in and see how we are all doing.I started on the sticker tracker one week ago and I tell you I did not want to lose a sticker. Consequently I had a 100% on plan week. And a whole row of sparkling smiley faces looking up at me from my calendar. It's amazing how this seems to work. I hope that all of ...
Read more : We're sticking to it | Views : 486 | Replies : 14 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Visability and Convenience

ITHACA, New York (CNN) -- We are powerless to ignore the clarion call of the candy jar, the beckoning of the buffet, the summons of the snack cupboard.

At the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, Professor Brian Wansink studies how people behave around food.

That's the conclusion of Brian Wansink, author of "Mindless Eating" and head of Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab.

Wansink has spent a career watching how people behave around food -- ...
Read more : Visability and Convenience | Views : 393 | Replies : 4 | Forum : What's Shakin'


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