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New Pictures

I just sent some pics to unc. The first one is me at my wedding we have our 7 year anniversary on 10/20 saturday! I weighed about 200lb in that one, and this after having 3 kids.


Next one me in a red shirt and my 11yr old at about 5-6yrs old, I was about 215 here.


Then after one more kid to make 4 babies, the one with the picnic table is ...
Read more : New Pictures | Views : 1687 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Studio

New, and hopeful

Hi everyone,
I have been looking into MF for almost 2 months now. I have been on WW for 3 and not seeing any real results and am getting super discouraged. So today I ordered a sample pack to see what everything tastes like, if I will be able to stick with the program, etc.
Anyways, that being said. I am 22 with an 8 month old daughter. I weigh about 210 pounds and would ...
Read more : New, and hopeful | Views : 1655 | Replies : 31 | Forum : Come on in.


I just uploaded a pic for my avatar but all I see is an x where the pic should be. How do I fix this?
Read more : avatars | Views : 416 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Coffee and Veggie questions

Do many of you drink coffee? and is it possible to use something as a creamer, thats what I am used to. Is splenda ok to use for a sweetner? Also can you have a veggie snack other than pickles and celery. If anybody has used any of these does it inhibit the weight loss? Thanks to everyone who responds! :-P
Read more : Coffee and Veggie questions | Views : 486 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.

Newbie just ordered

Hi everyone,

My name is Tasha and i'm very new at actually posting. I mostly read everyone else's progress, problems, and success. Its my first time having people read about me. Well here's a brief history about me. I'm 26, 5'4, 208 lbs soon to be 150 or less. I have been struggling with my weight since for many years. I have tried pretty much everything and lost, but gained, and lost some more and ...
Read more : Newbie just ordered | Views : 397 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Come on in.

Introducing myself

I ordered my first shipment of Medifast back in May, but after several failed attempts I am trying again. I've been alternately overweight and not throughout my life. I've always been able to lose my weight, however last year I was diagnosed with a mental health condition and put on mood stabilizers which are well documented for causing weight gain and I was no exception. I can't budge the 50 or so lbs I've put ...
Read more : Introducing myself | Views : 2139 | Replies : 21 | Forum : Come on in.

Newbie on hold!

Well, I just got a call from my doctor at 4pm last night, found out the x-ray of my face shows a severe sinus infection, so I was told to restart mf in a week on this coming monday so as to be sure any simptoms of the infection are gone. And I actually made it through day 1 just fine :x . But the Dr. thinks ...
Read more : Newbie on hold! | Views : 448 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Come on in.


Ok I thought I would post a few pictures. Here is a wedding and an engagement photo. When I have more I will post. For all you sewing savvy people I made the Wedding dress. :D

Read more : Photos | Views : 1470 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Studio

Newbie just sayin hi!

This is my first day on medifast and my first post to a forum ANYWHERE so after reading everything on here and how much support and fun goes on I'm on board! Heres my story: I just had my 30th birthday in September. 15 years of my life I was incredibly thin (5ft 11 135lbs) but 4 kids later, many surgeries and life in general I am now 233lbs. I am hoping to make it ...
Read more : Newbie just sayin hi! | Views : 428 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.


Just discovered this Journal area -- what a great idea! I've probably bored my sister to tears talking about my diet, so I need to get my ramblings out somewhere else.

I'd been slender most of my life, eating whatever I wanted and without exercise. But I guess age changes your metabolism (sigh). About 5 years ago, I lost 30 lbs in six months on Weight Watchers, then put it back on the next two ...
Read more : Determined | Views : 1070 | Replies : 26 | Forum : My Journal


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