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Before pics of DonicaB

First of all, I want you to know this is a really difficult and HUGE step for me. I absolutely hate my picture being taken and I rarely allow anyone to take my picture. Hopefully that will change when I reach my goal.

The first picture is last year at my birthday :candle: (April 25). I know it was a year ago but I weighed the same ...
Read more : Before pics of DonicaB | Views : 1171 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Studio

Motivational Quotes

Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?

~ Mary Manin
Read more : Motivational Quotes | Views : 4250 | Replies : 35 | Forum : The Elevator

A message from Spidey

Here's a little note I got from Spidey today. Thought you should all know about it.

I am sending this to everyone I have in my address book so you may not even know I had this happen in February and am still in recovery.

They just did a Health Alert segment on Good Morning America about a flesh eating bacteria spreading across the US. This is important folks! They said 30% of the people ...
Read more : A message from Spidey | Views : 690 | Replies : 2 | Forum : A Message from your Hosts


I am pretty new to this program going on 3 weeks. I lost 10 pounds fine and I need to lose a lot more. No one talks about eating the oatmeal why is that? Also I find myself getting urges. I still have 2 teenage children at home. I am still trying to cook for them and my husband so it gets real hard. The lean and green I eat in the evening I think ...
Read more : Losing | Views : 477 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Come on in.

Diet Humor - Pizza Hut, err...uh, Pizza Glut

Hi, Kids!

Just got this from Gerald, AKA Spidey and it's a real hoot. :lol: I thought you might enjoy it, too.

Operator: Thank you for calling Pizza Glut. May I have your National ID number?

Customer: Hi, I'd like to place an order.

Operator: I must have your NIDN first, sir.

Customer: My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, uhh, it's 6102049998-45-54610.

Operator: Thank you Mr. ...
Read more : Diet Humor - Pizza Hut, err...uh, Pizza Glut | Views : 1910 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Elevator

Before and Almost There Pics (NE Gal in South) Carol

When I began this journey in June of 2004 the scales in my doctors office had to be wrong at 293, even though all the equipment there is new. I was clearly in denial, don't ya think.

I started with the hope that a loss of 30 lbs. would ease or being really hopeful, erase the constant pain of arthritis in my left knee and the crippling pain of plantar fasciatis in my right foot. ...
Read more : Before and Almost There Pics (NE Gal in South) Carol | Views : 5554 | Replies : 22 | Forum : Studio

I need to get back on track

Hello to all. I started this program on Saturday March 12th, 05. I had lost 11 pounds my first week. Then easter hit..then job training out of town. I just can't get focused. I am at 17 lbs lost 6 weeks later. I know this program works but I can't get a grip. I need to lose 45 more pounds. I have my supplies ready and bagged up. I WILL start tommorow the full fast ...
Read more : I need to get back on track | Views : 972 | Replies : 18 | Forum : Come on in.

i'm new at the forum, hello

Hello, My name is Sue, I'm a Health Advisor and part of the Make Me Thinner team. I'm new at the forum and still stumbling around on it. I've lost over 100# and KNOW that Medifast is the answer for me. i don't have a thyroid and i do have Diabetes, so i hope i can help answer some questions and enjoy the interaction. Nice to meet all of you.
Read more : i'm new at the forum, hello | Views : 418 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

Just got my order!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just recv'd my first order and I'm enjoying the Dutch Chocolate shake as I am typing this up. It's really good. I was curious about that flavor, because I read some don't like it. I mixed it with 8oz of cold water and I was surprised to find it a little bit gritty at first, but it's very tolerable. I have missed one meal, but will be able to adjust my day to get ...
Read more : Just got my order!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Views : 481 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

New here . . . how am I doing?

Hello everyone! I've been watching you all for a few weeks now and just had to join in on the fun!

I started on MF on 4/11 and lost 4.75 lbs the first week. I guess I'm happy with that :roll: I know I shouldn't weigh myself daily but I just can't seem to help myself. :x That's ...
Read more : New here . . . how am I doing? | Views : 514 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Come on in.


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