Ok, so I finally decided on what to get the great grandparents for Christmas. They hardly ever get to see dd unless we fly out to see them, so I decided to make them a scrapbook. The only bad thing about that is that I have no creativity. My aunt suggested doing an online digital scrapbook, but after looking at a few different sites, I got sick of looking at pink. The ones I looked ...
Hello all! Just started the program TODAY, I have about 40-50 pounds to lose and also have to get used to an entirely new mindset.
I'm a food addict--I don't eat for emotional reasons or because I'm hungry, I do it because I can't NOT do it. I feel very much like alcoholics do, in that they can't just have a little bit of alcohol, they have to have the whole bottle... I can't eat ...
I am 1 day into medifast and I LOVE IT ! I recently started a new job and it requires alot less energy than my previous position and It was the straw that broke the camels back I gained 10 lbs in 2 weeks and I said enough is enough. I have lost 4 lbs in my first day , and although I know its just waterat this point . As long as the ...
Taken this morning, ready to go out the door and conquer the world! Well, maybe not the world, but thankful for the health and fitness that I have already seized. Over a year ago I reach goal, and I stubbornly hold on to the prize! My good wishes to you all for a Happy Thanksgiving and a Blessed Christmas Season.
I have 421 pics, many very bad, and 200 more or so the photographer will have to mail me. I had three other outfits not covered in these pics! These are just a few I have gotten to and been able to crop. When I have all my pictures ready I will just have an album online that any interested parties can look at so I won't clog the board with my pics!
I was at the dentist yesterday and hadn't been there for 6 months. I have been going there for over 15 years. When I walked in one of the younger women that has been working there for only about a year was at the front desk. I got the feeling she wasn't really sure who I was when I walked in, but figured she had only seen me a couple times before. After I was ...