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Has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to Medifast items?

Hello, I just ordered and received my first month's Medifast products. However, just after ordering it, I had a bad allergic reaction (which I am prone to) to some other food items. My allergy doctor tested me for soy and I did not react to it, but he is hesitant about my being able to go ahead and use the products now. Especially since I have just had this big reaction recently. I really want ...
Read more : Has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to Medifast items? | Views : 3393 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Come on in.

2d Day!

My name is Jennifer and I live in St. Petersburg, FL. I wanted to introduce myself because I am sure that all of you will see me around the board. I am happy to share my successes with all of you and seek encouragment if I falter from the plan. I started dieting at 235 but went down to 228 before starting MF (btw, I am 5'7''). My goal is 140, so I will be ...
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hi i'm new here

hi all,

i am so glad i found this forum. i am new to this. today is officially my first day on MF. I messed up yesterday, as I was really good the whole day and broke down and ate apple pie dinner time. so I'm back on the saddle and this time i'm sticking to it. I have 20 lbs to lose and hope that MF is the answer.

a quick question, is it ...
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Im doing my plan now, but so hungry! What snacks can I have in between my soups and shakes? I cant stand the bars, so I am not eating those. I read that I can have a dill pickls and celery right? Also a friend who did medifast said they ate beef jerkey and peanuts even though it was not ever written anywhere, and they still lost weight. Is this okay? Any other snack ideas ...
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Saturday Morning Martha and Doug Report

Dear Friends of Martha and MakeMeThinner Forum ~

Saturday September 2, 2005 at about 7 AM Pacific Time my phone rang and it was Martha! I could hear her in the background talking to Doug and saying, “It might be very early there.” When I answered the phone, she said, “Miss Nancy, it’s Martha!”

I will try to recount as much as I am able and when Martha is up and running again, she’ll be ...
Read more : Saturday Morning Martha and Doug Report | Views : 1715 | Replies : 20 | Forum : A Message from your Hosts

Message About Martha!

Hi, Folks ~

Great news! Terry and I made it to the Oregon coast late this afternoon and while we were having dinner my phone rang. I didn't recognize the phone number or the prefix so I ignored the call and five minutes later when I checked my message, it was from Doug - Martha's husband!

I tried to return the call over 30 times...kept getting a busy signal or the message about the circuits ...
Read more : Message About Martha! | Views : 770 | Replies : 12 | Forum : A Message from your Hosts

Nancy's heading out


I have been trying to get away this morning - Terry and I must take off for a few days and where we are going, we will have limited telephone and internet access - I am going to be home very late Saturday night and then we preach on Sunday so please take care of one another and answer the newbie's questions for me. I should be back on board late Sunday afternoon, Pacific ...
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Disaster Relief Information from TSFL Pres. & Chairman

MakeMeThinner Family ~

We received this from Take Shape For Life and wanted to share it with you.

To All Take Shape for Life Health Advisors,

As you are most aware, Hurricane Katrina, one of the most devastating storms to make landfall in the U.S. in American history, roared through the Gulf Coast Monday, killing an untold number of people and leaving millions of people with no power, no water and no home. The city ...
Read more : Disaster Relief Information from TSFL Pres. & Chairman | Views : 730 | Replies : 0 | Forum : A Message from your Hosts

Katrina's effect on my MF and our Martha

Just to let everyone know, I am going to have to bow out of the MF program after what product I have left is gone. It appears that Katrina does in fact, have very far-reaching effects.

My husband works for the Dept of Defense and a part of his job is to respond and provide communications during times of crisis when requested by Homeland Defense. Typically this refers to terror situations or national security but ...
Read more : Katrina's effect on my MF and our Martha | Views : 1567 | Replies : 30 | Forum : Come on in.

No Strawberry Medifast+ Coronary Health & Diabetic PB Ba

The following products are currently unavailable:

Strawberry Medifast Plus Coronary Health shakes (Item #7230) are currently unavailable, but there is enough to fill outstanding orders, so there are currently no backorders. It is currently unavailable for purchase on the website.

There are adequate supplies of Chocolate Medifast Plus Coronary Health Shakes (In my humble but mindful opinion the Chocolate is the best way to go for this item anyway...)

The Diabetic Peanut Butter Crunch Bars ...


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