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I'm back - earlier than planned

I was only here for about a week when I found out I was pregnant and had to stop my diet. I, unfortunately, had a miscarriage, but feel I am ready to get back on track. I started again this morning, and have set a first small goal of 20 lbs.

Looking forward to seeing the weight go! Thanks in advance for all the support I know I'll get here.

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Hello...I'm soooo excited to be back!

Most of you won't know me because I haven't posted since January. My name is Crystal, and I am a homeschooling mother to 5 beautiful children(ages 6, 5, 3, 1, 6wks). :grin: I first started last October, but stopped in January when I found out that I was pregnant with our 5th child. :shock: ...
Read more : Hello...I'm soooo excited to be back! | Views : 428 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Come on in.

Wanting a headstart

Hello, all!

My package comes on Wednesday, the 28th!!! FINALLY!

I've been considering getting into ketosis before starting the plan so I can at least avoid the hunger spells. I've done Atkins before, so i know how to get into it. Is that a good idea? Or would the introduction of the shakes disrupt my ketosis balance?

Thanks for any input~!
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Well I'm restarting Medifast tomorrow. I intially started Medifast on September 12th. I find that I do pretty well until about 4PM. From this point on I'm starving for the rest of the day and ultimately wind up cheating by late evening (10PM). I'm doing the 5/1 and even after I eat my lean and green I'm still hungry. During the day, I'm fine. I think I've done only one day without cheating. I really ...
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Lisa in NY (20 lbs. lost so far)

Well, I thought I would let everyone put a face to my name - so here's a picture of me and my youngest brother Rocco, at the San Gennaro Festival in NYC this past weekend. Rocco is in the process of eating a "mozzareppa", which is a newly invented fatteningly delicious (probably) food - basically it's like a mozarella stick in the shape of a pancake. It really didn't even tempt me - all I ...
Read more : Lisa in NY (20 lbs. lost so far) | Views : 2150 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Studio

Today is Day 1...

Hello everyone...

I ordered my medifast stuff online and it just came over the weekend. Time to get started.

I stepped on the scales last week and burst into tears, I am at my highest weight ever (I'm 5'5 and weigh 245 pounds, after yo yoing up and down between 170 - 235 pounds for the past 10 years of my life). I'm 32 and it's time for this to stop!!!

I would love to ...
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I have to go to the hospital for tests this Wednesday 9/28

I have to go in for a colonoscopy this Wednesday :cry: This Tuesday, I have to prep for it, which means only clear liquids. I can have bullion, coffee, tea, diet pop, water, juice, popcicles and jello. I'm thinking that I will have just water, tea, and sugar free jello.

My question is this: will this blow my ketosis? After the test Wednesday morning, ...
Read more : I have to go to the hospital for tests this Wednesday 9/28 | Views : 401 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Come on in.

About to make week one

Week one is almost up and I have lost about 9 Lb :lol: I feel so good about my self it has not been easy :? but it has been worth it and I know I can do this and I will reach my goal the people on the board have been great ...
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Starting the plan seems really slow for me

Hello all; I have been "lurking" and reading many things on this forum for some time. I actually only started the program this past Monday, due to a bad bout of allergic reactions about a month ago. I thankfully found out that soy and the other ingredients in Medifast products were not to blame. Nancy was nice enough to send me several emails about the subject, when I asked her some questions. I would like ...
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What do you suggest for bad breath?

I have been chewing gum until my jaws are sore! What do you all suggest? Brushing my teeth 10 times a day? And I have cotton mouth Soooo bad! Which helps me drink more water, for sure!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
Read more : What do you suggest for bad breath? | Views : 373 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.


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