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My first plateau behind me. Now for some exercise...

Hi fellow medifasters. Thanks for getting me through my first plateau! Boy, was that a rocky ride. Since I posted my plateau fustration question, I've lost 6 pounds!!! What really helped me get through it were all the thoughtful comments you folks shared w/me. What a support system this Forum is!
Now..I'm tackling the lack of desire to exercise:). I've always enjoyed exercising but I've just been in a winter rut. It's hard to get ...
Read more : My first plateau behind me. Now for some exercise... | Views : 475 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.

giving MF another try

It has been a few years since I have done MF and I have packed on the lbs. I have commited to 4 weeks so far (have not recieved my order yet). I see there are lots of new products Chili, Eggs, Peach oatmeal, new bars and chai latte. I would appreciate any input on what people enjoy most as far as supplements go. If I want to loose between 75 and 100 lbs which ...
Read more : giving MF another try | Views : 1368 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Come on in.

Carrying Medigrub in style

Hi everyone,

I've been told by my co-workers..."the DOG CARRIER has GOT to go!" I have a really ugly coleman insulated little cooler...

Anybody have anything cute an girly that stores some Medigrub and doesn't make me look like a complete dorkus?

I know someone mentioned getting a cute pink insulated purse-looking thing at Target or something...

Any ideas would be appreciated by my co-workers who are embarassed by my lack of fashion accessories!

Read more : Carrying Medigrub in style | Views : 519 | Replies : 11 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Join Our Biggest Loser Contest!

I thought I would post this here in case people are not looking at the Weight Room thread.

A few of us have started a 100 Day Challenge and to sweeten the pot we are also adding a Biggest Loser Contest.

To be a part of the contest all you have to do is send $10 to a PayPal account set up just for this challenge. We posted our weights and measurements and the person ...
Read more : Join Our Biggest Loser Contest! | Views : 650 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Miracle Noodle?

I had an e-mail from a forum member who asked about this product. I sent a PM to Nancy to let me know if it was okay as I had never heard of it, so I am waiting on her reply to see if its something we could use in our L&G. Until then, thought I would at least throw it out there. Its called the Miracle Noodle and its apparently made of soluble fiber. ...
Read more : Miracle Noodle? | Views : 491 | Replies : 8 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Taxes. If someone would be able to tell me what this means

I was just looking at my husbands paycheck stub. Can some one tell me what this means.


Lets just say this is what my husband check look likes

YTD. FED.WAGES $10,563.00
YTD FICA WAGES $ 11,867.00

Just curious what the fica wages are.

Read more : Taxes. If someone would be able to tell me what this means | Views : 984 | Replies : 4 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Coach Bags?

Would anyone be interested in buying some Coach bags and a pair of brand new Coach sunglasses? Let me know and I will post pictures! I have 3-4 bags and one pair of glasses. All in great condition. I would post them on eBay but I cannot stand it and have not used my account in years.
Read more : Coach Bags? | Views : 599 | Replies : 2 | Forum : What's Shakin'

I received my autoship order and someone else's too

Has this happened to anyone else and what should I do?
Read more : I received my autoship order and someone else's too | Views : 577 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.


ok, day one is almost over. This sure isnt as hard as the first day back in April. Good grief that was tough.
Read more : holberry | Views : 9892 | Replies : 218 | Forum : My Journal

going to get this done!

Cant stay away from the best weight loss program Ive ever done...
Im waiting for a new order but have some left overs in the cupboard and I m hear to kick...
Howdy to new kids and hey to ol peeps.
loves and hugs.
Read more : going to get this done! | Views : 508 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.


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