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One down, ??? to go!

Yesterday was my first day and I didn't deviate once which is HUGE for me. I was pretty hungry later in the evening, but I kept busy. I found that if I stay away from the television I'm okay; idle hands = snacking! So here I am in day 2 and I feel pretty good. I'm waiting for headaches and crankiness (although my kids say I'm normally pretty cranky to begin with ...
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My birthday is coming up...

and this year my husband wants to get me a cake. See every year we are always at baseball game (my sons play) and we do not do anything for my birthday. He wants to go out for Japanese and then have brusters cake(my favorite)
It is a couple of weeks away April 20th and this is only my second day.
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Your favorite MF Product?

I have to tell you, since I have discovered the Oatmeal Raisin Bars, my days have turned into a little-bit-'o-heaven. I can't wait for 10 am to arrive every day so that I can eat that goodness!

Don't get me wrong, I'm into my shakes and creamy soups like there's no tomorrow, but for some reason, those bars make it all worthwhile. My 4 year old is always trying to get me to give him ...
Read more : Your favorite MF Product? | Views : 1471 | Replies : 25 | Forum : Come on in.

176 Sticks of Butter!!!!

It's those little things that keep pushing me forward with Medifast.

I have melted away 176 sticks of butter so far.... (see what kind of trouble I can get into when I have insomnia?)

Actually, if I had the space, I'd buy all that butter then donate it to a shelter or something. But, I don't, so I'll figure it out..maybe turkeys instead. :)

I'm hoping to ...
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Hi Vicky! :wave: I am doing sooo much better now! Thanks! I veered away a little from the plan just at dinner Saturday night but still managed to lose 5lbs. Today, I went to Carl's Jr for lunch with some work people and didn't even have the desire for anything. I ordered a diet coke and ate my bar. My friend finished a burger and fries in ...
Read more : MISSANNE? | Views : 327 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Come on in.


I have had alot of trouble with diarrhea even before Medifast i called my dr and he said to take metamucil but it has 3 carbs and 10 Calories do you thinkit will hurt my weight loss or is there something else i could use
Read more : help | Views : 345 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.

Day One

Yes, I did start today, can I get an OH YEAH!! :kool: I was remarkably at peace this morning, like I've been doing this all along. It's amazing that when you make a decision, and you are ready, it's so much easier. Yes, I was hungry today, but I've been working all day during the work week without eating, then eating fast food at night, so my ...
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I really need your help and support. I started MF the beginning of February 2006, to my amaze I did well. (I have never been cable of sticking to an eating plan. Something eats at me and I get eating). Well I was scheduled to go on vacation about 2 ½ weeks after I started MF. While in vacation I stuck to a low carb WOE for about a day and a half and then ...
Read more : I NEED HELP BAD (Long) | Views : 951 | Replies : 22 | Forum : Come on in.


I'm stuck in a meeting (obviously not paying attention if I'm posting this) and my 4 o'clock meal is in another building. I do have access to a machine that dispenses boullion. Is it more important for me to have the MF meal or to keep consistent with the 3 hour timing, i.e. should I skip my 4 o'clock or should I go for the boullion. Thanks!
Read more : SOS | Views : 282 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Feeling Puny

hey guys I am feeling pretty puny today. This is day 4 for me. I haven't cheated at all. Drinking all of my water and taking a multivitamen daily.

I got some ketosis strips and it doesn't seem like I am there yet. Not sure why not but I was wondering if you feel bad before you hit ketosis or if it is after you get into ketosis you feel better?
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