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Day one

Okay...I'm doing this starting today. I've tried to start a few times, but didn't have the willpower. I have a little more now, but I forgot how hard the first few days are. I had my shake for breakfast, then some tomato soup, and just had a bar. I don't know why, but I'm starving! I've had about 24 oz. of water so far. Anyway, please tell me how to get through these first few ...
Read more : Day one | Views : 530 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Come on in.

Here I Am Again

Hi everyone. I've been "away" for almost two years and even when I was here then, I wasn't really "here." I started Atkins and lost 12 pounds, but find I just don't want to cook all the time and I don't want to eat as much as you need to to keep it up. I decided to do Medifast again, but I can't order it until the end of the month. It's been so long, ...
Read more : Here I Am Again | Views : 1413 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Come on in.


Hi all, I am in the market for new cookware and was wondering if anyone is partial to any certain cookware that is out there.

I had Farberware years ago and liked it because it wasn't that black Teflon stuff that kills birds and flakes off eventually.
There is so much new stuff out there I would appreciate any input before I make the investment.

Read more : Cookware? | Views : 946 | Replies : 22 | Forum : What's Shakin'


I just finished my 8th day on MF. I feel so much better and I think lighter too. I ordered 4 weeks worth of MF and I like everything except the chocolate bars. I am taking this one day at a time. Receipes have been very helpful on here I hope people keep posting them.
Read more : Ginger | Views : 954 | Replies : 20 | Forum : My Journal

I need earring advice!

Slightly TMI:

For months now, I have had to leave my earrings out, because I keep getting infections. My ear gets really tender and I get pockets of pus that look like large lumps in the earring holes. It is really painful until the pus comes out. I am trying to douse it with alcohol, but it keeps coming back.

Any ideas? I called my doctor and am waiting to hear back...

PS- they are ...
Read more : I need earring advice! | Views : 394 | Replies : 6 | Forum : What's Shakin'

The Perfect Man!!

Do you know who the perfect man is??????? :huh:

Mr. Potato Head!

"Why?" Four simple reasons- -

1. He's cute.
2. He's tan.
3. He knows how to accessorize.
4. If he looks at another woman, you can rearrange his face! :stickwack:

Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow!!! :heart:

Read more : The Perfect Man!! | Views : 472 | Replies : 6 | Forum : What's Shakin'

surrounded by chocolate!

I'm a second grade teacher and all my darlings brought me wonderful chocolate!!! I need some pep talks to stay away from it!!!
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Artificial Sweetner's May Cause Weight Gain

Could this be TRUE? This issue was discussed on CNN this morning?..i hope not because i love my Splenda!

Read more : Artificial Sweetner's May Cause Weight Gain | Views : 1854 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Come on in.

Morale Booster

Here's how this works. Since morale has been an issue lately and there seems to be some disgruntled forum members, we should start a new game.

Everyone who posts has to say something nice and positive about the person who posted before them*.

You can post multiple times if you wish, and make multiple comments.

*Everything must be politically correct, containing nothing related to race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, other weight loss products, drugs, alcohol, ...
Read more : Morale Booster | Views : 1335 | Replies : 38 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Re-starter question.. what can i expect?

Hi Everyone....

Ok... I need motivation help!!! I started Medifast in May of '07.. by Early september I had lost 30 lbs!! (not even my goal.. but it was good) and, don't ask me what happened.. the kids.. back to school, holidays, stress... well i put back 25 lbs... talk about wanting to kick yourself... :x And it was as if I tried really hard to put ...
Read more : Re-starter question.. what can i expect? | Views : 666 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.


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