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this is such a great idea! a place to keep my notes of my MF journey. :D yay! i only hope that i can do a good job of logging on here and noting my ups and downs pretty regularly.

just logging in to start this up. i'll actually journal some later...

Read more : lilgorg | Views : 2367 | Replies : 56 | Forum : My Journal


OK, I'll be the first guy to start a journel.

It's been quite an experience and I'm very happy with where my journey has taken me so far. I weigh less now than I have in almost 15 years and I'm well on my way to my initial goal of 200lbs. My ultimate goal may be as low as 175lbs but I'm waiting to see how 200lbs is and how my DR feels about it. ...
Read more : Ktrout | Views : 3455 | Replies : 84 | Forum : My Journal

Instructions for food prep

When my products arrived I divided them into baggies enough (5) for each day. I thought I had read all the instructions and even copied the instructions for the chili and the pudding as they seamed a little more involved. I then threw the boxes away. Then this morning I was reading a post were people were talking about cooking the soups in the microwave. I have just been stirring them into heated water. ...
Read more : Instructions for food prep | Views : 803 | Replies : 18 | Forum : Come on in.


I'm so excited about this! It will be great seeing everyone post their thoughts
during such an important journey.

I have lost 21 pounds on Medifast so far. I am also wearing 18 jeans, something I haven't worn for 6 or 7 years. Hubby was so shocked he made me buy some 16s also so we didn't have to shop again for a while! I was scared about even shopping. I have always hated clothes ...
Read more : Ketann | Views : 908 | Replies : 17 | Forum : My Journal


I love it, love it, love it! Blogging is a good release and I'm excited to get started.

Before, during and after pictures: ... hp?t=10036 (after photos)
Read more : Serendipity | Views : 42058 | Replies : 1446 | Forum : My Journal


I am so glad they came up with this. I have been on Medifast since January 15, 2006 and since that day have lost 76 pounds and have lost 90 pounds since my highest weight.

This is just a start but I will be back at the end of the day to post some more.
Read more : falisamarie | Views : 1888 | Replies : 32 | Forum : My Journal

Giving up....

I am giving up my normal suit an tie life and I am going to pretend I make my living playing poker.

Just a heads up that you won't be seeing any posts from me for a few days. Not like I post I tremendous amount, but it will be less than normal..that is unless I find an open wi-fi connection and I can jump on using my PDA. Oh yeah...guess I should mention I ...
Read more : Giving up.... | Views : 955 | Replies : 19 | Forum : Come on in.


Edited to add intro, finally:

Most folks here already know me, so I'll keep it short. I'm 44, and I've been overweight since basically puberty. My first real, full-on diet was Weight Watchers at 18. I made it almost to goal, but not quite, and immediately gained everything back plus about 30 pounds.

Next diet: Atkins, when I was about 26. Made it to goal, maintained for three years. Then I listened to all the ...
Read more : DogMa | Views : 104853 | Replies : 3896 | Forum : My Journal


Let me introduce myself. My goal is to take my son and father to Hawaii to see the whales this winter, ergo my theme. I was born in the Aloha State (my dad is retired USMC and I was born at Tripler) and want to go back for a visit. My dad is 72. If I want him to show my son (and me) the house we used to live in and any of the ...
Read more : emarooster | Views : 451 | Replies : 9 | Forum : My Journal

Second Chance

Tomarrow I will start MF again. I fell off the wagon shortly after getting on it last year. You know... life happens. Why bore you with the details. With so much stress these days it's time I just grabbed hold and took control-before I get anymore out of control. Reading your stories really make me feel like I can do it this time. Thanks!
Read more : Second Chance | Views : 462 | Replies : 14 | Forum : Come on in.


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