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New me......ketostix

Hi everyone,

I am new and happy to be part of this forum. I started medifast 2 weeks ago, so far, I have lost 8 pounds :D, and have 54 more to lose :( .

I use the ketostix and was wondering whether the result should be large, moderate or trace of ketones.


Read more : New me......ketostix | Views : 533 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Come on in.


Hey guys, I leave and come back and find a place to vent. Well, here I go:

I have been off of MF for about 6 weeks now. I have been living at the hospital, either working or visiting my Mom. She had a massive MI about six weeks ago, went into cardiogenic shock and has been on extensive medications for her blood pressure, even had a balloon pump (for all you nurses out there). ...
Read more : loribug | Views : 2434 | Replies : 73 | Forum : My Journal

Losing my mind

I guess I'm not thinking straight. I posted a new message, but it's under guest....anyway this is what it said.

You all have been so great. I'm still trying to get my meals in, and I refuse to give up or give in to temptation.

I look forward to happier, thinner days. I know that in a week or two, I'll feel better and the scale will move again. I just need to get through ...
Read more : Losing my mind | Views : 361 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Come on in.


Hello everyone

I wanted to ask a question. Has any one tried the chocolate shake that is for appetite suppression???

I love the other choc shake so before i ordered again i was just wondering..
not that you really get hungry on this at all I love MF...

thanks all
Read more : Question | Views : 283 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.


The area I live in is in a state of emergency. The road I live on - there is a bridge on both sides to get on the main street in town - are destroyed. We are pretty much stuck here. Hubby is helping what he can. This is a small town. I just wanted you all to know I may not be on here much. We are ok though, we live on a hill ...
Read more : Flooding | Views : 430 | Replies : 14 | Forum : What's Shakin'


Hello everyone. I started Monday and so far so good.....I haven't cheated though the temptation was there. Monday was the hardest day to resist, yesterday was much easier......So far I've loved all of the foods, my least favorite is the banana pudding but that's just because I don't like banana flavored stuff. But it's still edible. I've lost 4 lbs so far and don't feel deprived. I've gotten hungry a couple of times and helped ...
Read more : HI | Views : 452 | Replies : 14 | Forum : Come on in.


This may sound weird, but I'm weird, so here goes. As I gained weight. I started sleeping on my tummy. It is most definitely a habit now. But I have scrunchy face in the morning and my Step-mom is harping on me that I'm going to have TERRIBLE wrinkles and I'm trying to wean myself off it...anyone else dealing with this or is it YET ANOTHER "man is DeDe weird" issue?

Read more : Sleep | Views : 1029 | Replies : 20 | Forum : What's Shakin'

ethics and choices

anyone had to make a hard decision that involved possibly betraying someone to serve a greater good? at least potentially keep others from harm?

okay, what if doing this act also constitutes an inadvertant act of revenge? doesn't that cloud the motivation/outcome?

let me give a metaphor as an example.

let's say you have a best friend who owns an auto dealership and sells you a car. it turns out the friend rolled back the ...
Read more : ethics and choices | Views : 427 | Replies : 8 | Forum : What's Shakin'

New car (Jaguar) Motivation!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is having a good day today. I am still new to this forum but I had something exciting to share.
Even though its off of the weight loss topic, and I haven't "officially" started Medifast yet becasue my products haven't arrived, I have already introduced myself in the "Come on in" forum :lol:
But just wanted to share a bit of good ...
Read more : New car (Jaguar) Motivation!!!!!!!!! | Views : 372 | Replies : 7 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Nominations for Medifast Theme Song

Since we have such avid music lovers- with such diverse tastes in music, I thought you could put those creative juices toward a Medifast theme Song!

For all MF'ers..."One Day at a Time"

For MF'ers who are tempted to cheat in the evenings..."Help Me Make It Through the Night"

For those who reach maintenance..."Oh Happy Day"!!!

What MF'ers dream about..."My Favorite Things"

What my HA sings to me..."I'll Be There"

What MF'ers sing to ...
Read more : Nominations for Medifast Theme Song | Views : 363 | Replies : 12 | Forum : What's Shakin'


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