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Anti-depressants and Medifast

Can you pease advise on possible difficulties with weight loss on Medifast whilst taking anti-depressants.?It is that use for clinical depression that has given me the extra 40 lbs. I need to lose- over the last several years that I just cannot budge- even with a plethora of diet plans and moderate exercise. There are many clinical studies proving wt. gain and anti-depressant use. Paradoxically- the ...
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Soft Skin

Is it just me or are others happy with their skin since being on this program? I have noticed that my face is so much softer than it use to be and I don't break out like a school girl either. I don't have teenager skin anymore! yah! :mrgreen: (I'm sure in another 20 years I will wish I had that skin again..hehe )

I'm sure ...
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I have a girlie question...

The question about face goop gave me the impetus to ask this question that has been on my mind. My husband asked me what I might like as a gift for one of my small goal rewards...

What I would really like is some totally marvelous fragrance product...some perfume, cologne or body lotion or potion or bath oil or body know. I have some of these of course, but I want to get something ...
Read more : I have a girlie question... | Views : 981 | Replies : 18 | Forum : What's Shakin'

McDonalds again!

Is seems the ceaser grilled chicken salad with newman's lowfat balsamic or sesame giner is okay at McDonalds (which is also my kids favorite place to eat when we are out and past mealtime!). Anyone eating that? Or the new asian one minus the oranges? Tell me what you think! By the way, I am on day 3... :lol:
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I need face goop help!

I know there's a few of you on this thread that can help me with this (calling Denise!)...I am developing an age spot. I don't like it! I'm also looking for a tube or jar of goop for undereye to me! Can anyone help? I'm a Philosophy girl from way back, but I don't know where to go here!

Read more : I need face goop help! | Views : 1044 | Replies : 27 | Forum : What's Shakin'


Hello all!!! I guess this is officially my first journal entry, even thought I still haven't officially started the program, I felt that I should start my journal today because guess what- (drum roll please..............)
My products arrived today!!!!!!!!!!!
Wooo Hoooo! I am so excited. I wasn't sure exactly what day they were going to arrive this week, so since today is Thursday, I said no matter what day they arrived this week or weekend ...
Read more : Tlo | Views : 2171 | Replies : 45 | Forum : My Journal

1st NSV's!!

Ohh I am so tickled!!

1st say my Uncle on Tues and he said.. "How much weight have you lost?" I said .."What?" He said "Your face looks thinner than when I saw ya few weeks ago." WooHooo

Then my best pal said "Hey Your butt looks smaller!"

Even though Hubby told me my butt felt smaller it felt good coming from someone else too!!

Needless to say I have been grinning like crazy LOL
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It's Time To Introduce Myself

Hello All,

My name is Tammy and I'm from Ohio. I'm 25 yrs old. 5'0 and weight is about 200 (too scared to step on scale) I've been reading your posts for over a week now and your words of encouragement to each other and pictures have really been inspiring. I'm finally ready to make a commitment to weight loss. I just recently moved and pulled out a dress I've had since I was 12. ...
Read more : It's Time To Introduce Myself | Views : 679 | Replies : 18 | Forum : Come on in.

Close call!!

I can't believe I did it. My sons had just finished swim lessons and it was way past lunch and they were hungry. Of course there had to be a Mickey D's close by that they wanted to go to. I was hungry too and just due for my next meal. I went through the drive thru and ordered their Happy Meals and was so close to ordering another cheeseburger Happy Meal for myself. I ...
Read more : Close call!! | Views : 765 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

do you appreciate...

the beauty of the simpsons?
the raw emotion of the family guy?
Read more : do you appreciate... | Views : 319 | Replies : 6 | Forum : What's Shakin'


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