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Star Wars (order of viewing)

Would like to watch all the Star Wars movies b4 I start my job next week. I saw Star Wars when I was a kid and then saw the Empire Strikes Back. What order should I watch all of these to make sense of the storyline?
Read more : Star Wars (order of viewing) | Views : 1296 | Replies : 32 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Lord of the Rings

DH and I have rented all three DVD's and are having a LOTR festival. Finished DVD 1 and 2 that are three hours each (whew ~ obviously too much time on my hands while I wait for the new job to start). Only one left to go and can't wait to see how it plays out. Anyone else out there fond of LOTR???

Read more : Lord of the Rings | Views : 316 | Replies : 12 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Today is day one!

Today is day one for me. I haven't been on the program for almost a year so i will have some pudding for breakfast and coffee and water and tea. I will work out for an hour and that will be nice.
Good luck people :D
Read more : Today is day one! | Views : 752 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

Update for Lizabette's 50 Pounds Loss and on to Goal!

Update for Lizabette's "Before Picture to 50 pounds loss and on to Goal!"

Before at 195#--- Very Unhappy with the weight!


30 pounds loss ---Kinda Happy!


35 pounds loss---Somewhat Happier!


45 pounds loss---Much Happier!


50+ pounds loss and on to Goal.---Ecstatic!

Read more : Update for Lizabette's 50 Pounds Loss and on to Goal! | Views : 2413 | Replies : 31 | Forum : Studio

New start date

I'm hear to confess. I did good all day long on Saturday right up until it was almost time for me to go to bed and then something set me off and I ran and had 3 rasberry Nurtigrain bars! I guess that blew my Ketosis state! I wanted to thank Dede for sharing her journey with us. I read her blog and read how the first time she tried, she didn't stick with it ...
Read more : New start date | Views : 472 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Come on in.


K...I feel left out not having one of these... :) So here goes... I'm just going to go back to where I knew I needed help..and skip through to where I am today...bear with me.

Feb. 23, 2006

Reality Check
You know that problem people with anorexia have, where they look in the mirror and see themselves as fat? I look in the mirror and say, "hey ...
Read more : FluffyNoMore | Views : 477 | Replies : 10 | Forum : My Journal


Hello Everyone,
Hard to know where to begin. I have battled the weight issue for most of my life. As a little girl my brothers used to call me fatty. I really bought into that and thought I was fat all my life but looking back at childhood photo's I really was pretty much a normal size. I remeber when I was probalby only about 13 I had earned some money babysitting. I went into ...
Read more : Seemelose | Views : 1130 | Replies : 19 | Forum : My Journal

wanting to start

hi i'm a college student from nc and have been looking over the forums for the past two weeks and think i have finally desided to do medifast. i did weight watchers in the past and lost about 25 pounds but since then have gained it all back.

by the looks of it medifast will fit my busy schedule, i have a lot of weight to lose and wish to do this plan and get ...
Read more : wanting to start | Views : 946 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.


Is it me or did the bars shrink in the past 8 months. I have started the program again, and see a change in the bars. :|
Read more : bars | Views : 296 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

I Came, I Sang, I Lost!

But I had a whole lot of fun.

There were 22 singers in the competition, and as luck would have it, my name was drawn to be the first singer....

Now, if there is anything you don't want to be, when you are competing with 21 other singers, it's being the first one to sing. No way you can win it unless you are a combination of Celine Dion and Lindsay Lohan...(Hey wait, if you ...
Read more : I Came, I Sang, I Lost! | Views : 734 | Replies : 18 | Forum : What's Shakin'


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