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101 Degrees!!!!!

101 Degrees!

I cannot believe the temps we are having in Philly. It was already 87 degrees and humid at 7:00 this morning!

Read more : 101 Degrees!!!!! | Views : 476 | Replies : 12 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Awful but Funny

All these spammers are getting pretty inventive with their jokes before the spam. As much as spammers annoy me*I run a website for my hubby and his offroad I know how pesky they can be* I get a chuckle outta some of the jokes. :lol:
Read more : Awful but Funny | Views : 295 | Replies : 7 | Forum : What's Shakin'

New TSFL webiste....WOW

I went to see what the monthly special was and WOW WOW WOW. A whole new site. It looks fantastic!!!
Read more : New TSFL webiste....WOW | Views : 2463 | Replies : 65 | Forum : What's Shakin'

new to MF 5days now

My name is Darlene
Hopefully I do this right this time :roll: . I posted originally before I registered. My pictures were sent to Unca-Thank you! so they should be here soon.
These pictures were taken of me 7-20-06.


I begin my weight lost journey along with all the other great people on here that have inspired me that I too can do it. ...
Read more : new to MF 5days now | Views : 1577 | Replies : 28 | Forum : Studio


I appreciate all your support and good thoughts.

Just got off the phone with Nancy and placed my first order!!

:D :lol: ;)
Read more : Thanks! | Views : 326 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

UPDATE added Tell me it gets better.... (taste/soy protein?)

I'm on day 2 and doing pretty well, I think. The smell and taste in some of the products is taking me some getting-used-to. :? I'm real finicky when it comes to smell and taste - I can't even handle Arrowhead bottled water, it has a weird taste to me that most people don't seem to notice.

I think it's the soy protein. I couldn't force down ...
Read more : UPDATE added Tell me it gets better.... (taste/soy protein?) | Views : 1242 | Replies : 21 | Forum : Come on in.

Reno-Hot August Nights

Is anyone else going to Hot August Nights?? It would be cool to hook up with a MF buddy. We are leaving on Thursday and will be there 3 nights. I'm going to be as compliant as possible. It's ahrd because there is a lot of drinking at night, but I'm going to be sober and people watch all the drunks. I'm taking a load of RTD's and some bars and tropical punch. That should ...
Read more : Reno-Hot August Nights | Views : 341 | Replies : 2 | Forum : What's Shakin'

topcow's before pic

Ok, I thought some of you may want to put a face with the name, so I just emailed my photo to be posted.
Be kind, please.


When this photo was taken I thought I looked pretty good! Wow, now I realize I am huge! I am going to take some during photos as I go, mostly to help myself since we sometimes only REALLY see ourselves when we look at a photo.
Read more : topcow's before pic | Views : 793 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Studio

successfull first day

Hi everyone,
Yesterday was my first day on MF. I did pretty well. As a snack, I ate all the cucumvers that were supposed to go on my L&G salad, but other than that, I stuck exactly to it. I did have strange dreams of food. I dreamed about an egg Mcmuffin, and I don't even like them.

I was wondering...
Does it matter what time you eat your L&G? Does it have to be ...
Read more : successfull first day | Views : 300 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

Sojourner's pics

Hi y'all. So here's my "before" picture. Look at those chins! This was actually taken last summer, but it's an accurate depiction except that my hair is longer now.


I've also submitted a pic for my avatar that is also an accurate depiction except for my hair. It's longer now and the bangs go in the other direction, but other than that it looks pretty much exactly like me. It's kinda' sad because isn't ...
Read more : Sojourner's pics | Views : 3800 | Replies : 50 | Forum : Studio


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