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Just starting

Hi. I just received my first package yesterday, and actually I started today. The reason being, I'm on vacation this week and I go back to work on Monday. I wanted to start it out, while on vacation.

I had surgery in June on my foot and was laid up all you all know what that means...I gained weight. But to be honest with you, I was already putting on weight.

I've tried all ...
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A Health Scare Woke Me Up!

Hi! My name is Marilu. My sweet sister-in-law, Lizabette, has lost 65 lbs with Medifast and is looking wonderful.
I had been puttiing off doing what I knew would help me start to feel better and definitely look better...get rid of this weight!

Then I had quite a scare the other day. I thought I was having a stroke. Much to my happiness, I discovered it was an inner ear virus causing my dizziness. Just ...
Read more : A Health Scare Woke Me Up! | Views : 998 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

Looking For A Website...

HI All!

I am looking for a website or a free program that lets you put in a recipe and it gives you the nutritional values of the recipe per serving. I did a search but could not find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Read more : Looking For A Website... | Views : 476 | Replies : 2 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Time to come forward

Hello everyone! I have been "lurking" around the forum now for several weeks and decided it was time for me to once again make my presence known! I look at all the pics in the studio and while I am so excited at all your success stories, it still depresses me because I get to thinking that I could be one of those success photos if I had only stuck with Medifast....two years ago! Actually..I ...
Read more : Time to come forward | Views : 576 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

Hello All!

Figure I would go ahead and make an account to introduce myself. I am a 22 year old Texan boy...born and raised. I am finishing up my bachelor's degree in nursing and will be graduating in May. I started Medifast about a month ago but only stuck with it for about a week and a half because my clinicals began to interfere. I lost 20lbs during that week and a half but unfortunatley while I ...
Read more : Hello All! | Views : 606 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.

I'm feeling better already!

I got my food last week but I had the flu so didn't start Medifast until yesterday. I lost 1-1/2 pounds overnight. I just feel like I am taking a positive step and with all your help and encouragment on this website, I am on the road to a healthier me. Thanks everyone who replied to my last post and all you newbies out there. Susan77
Read more : I'm feeling better already! | Views : 476 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Dare I say Oprah?

Not trying to toot Oprah's horn here, but I just saw on her website that they're looking for weight loss success stories for a future show. Heaven knows there are some of those stories around here, it would be cool to go on there and show the world how successful you and MF are!
Click on the link that says Find Out What We're Working on. Share your story.
Read more : Dare I say Oprah? | Views : 444 | Replies : 3 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Just do it.....

It does make a difference.....

Read more : Just do it..... | Views : 784 | Replies : 16 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Turnips vs. Rutabagas

I read in the quick start we can have turnips, and I assumed that meant the small ones that are white inside. But can we have Rutabagas too? They are much larger and are yellow on the inside. I wasn't sure if one was considered more starchy or not.



PS: I've been on the diet for a month and I have lost 20lbs! Awesome! It makes my husband so jealous! LOL
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Medifast really does work!

Thank you Medifast...seriously! I have failed at so many other diets so I figured this would be another big failure but had to do something.

I started in September but the timing wasn't good so I decided to wait until October 1st to start so on October 1st I was prepared, had my food and knew what I liked from my short lived time in September so I had those things ready to go, went ...
Read more : Medifast really does work! | Views : 487 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Come on in.


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