So after a long hiatus of being on Medifast (about 2 1/2 months) I am back and recommiting myself to being healthy and getting these pounds off. I'm not gonna beat myself up about why and when where and how I went off the diet, I just want to look towards the future and know I can succeed with it since I've come so far already. I gained a bit back ( a little less ...
Hi- I was wondering if it would be ok to eat the oatmeal in the mornings? :?: I live in the Pacific Northwest and it is cold. I know the guidelines call for 3 shakes before 2pm. Any ideas or advice on the scheduling of meals?
I am going to start with the full fast.
Hi - I did Medifast a couple of years ago and then life sort of got in the way. My Mom and younger sister died within 6 weeks of each other, I had 2 unexpected surgeries and my husband lost his job. All of these within a 6 month period. I confess to being an emotional overeater; and I can truthfully say. my compulsion took over and all the weight I lost (100 #) has ...
I'm back from my season of racing adventure. I'm back on plan and looking for a Lean and Green/night out. Anyone interested? I'm thinking next week sometime before everyone gets into the swing of Holiday stuff.
Who has some suggestions for when and where? I'm open!
For my first post in my journal, I must put out a disclaimer--these thoughts may be random and at times way too sappy, but they will be a reminder to me of how I felt before I got skinny. (Foreshadowing there, I hope.)
Remember how uncomfortable you feel-as though your body is exhausted lugging around the extra weight equivalent to your three year old. Remember not recognizing yourself in the mirror. Remember that you have ...
I'm torn between the Samsung 42" plasma and the Samsung 40" LCD. They both are HDTV. They both have 60,000 hour lifespans, plasma has the better contrast ratio and LCD has less chance of burn in.
Hi All! I am Andrea, a mom of three babies from NC. I received my Medifast Starter Kit today-it only took 3 days to get here, cool. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I am anxious for Friday-that is my Start Day.
I chose Medifast b/c I do not have time to think! I understand ketosis and LCD's, but I can not do it when I'm making 16 plates of food a day for my family! I ...
I'm DeDe. I'm currently on day 1 of my re-start. I'm tipping the scales at 192.2...don't ask. I have gained 32lbs back from where I was and finally got my head clear. I guess I'm happy I learned so much about triggers and that my head was in the wrong place and that I was scared of success (as I'd gotten within 12lbs of goal). I know being strict to the program WORKS and ...
Read more :DeDe4wd | Views : 25161 | Replies : 837 | Forum :My Journal
Okay, first off, I really, really hate my before pic. I look so grumpy, and I had no idea (or was in major denial) that baggy pants did you absolutely no favors. Okay, it's not all baggy pants. :( I haven't shown these before pics to anyone but my husband. I only ...