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Do they not give free shipping with orders over $200 anymore? I wanted to place a new order but its charging like $95 in s/h.
Read more : NEW ORDER | Views : 496 | Replies : 9

Moody and Lethargic week 4

Hi everyone,

Monday will mark the start of week 4 on the plan. For the past few days, I've been struggling. I'm worn out (and don't work out), tired, feel lazy.

I've also been extremely volatile with my husband and family - cranky, short tempered. It is worst in the AM and I literally wake up wanting to throw things around in anger. It's NOT like me.

I feel like I've hit a plateau as ...
Read more : Moody and Lethargic week 4 | Views : 2305 | Replies : 4

Sweet potatoes???

Ok I know this is gonna sound wierd, but we eat wierd in this house...

What about sweet potatoes...My hubby and son love them...I do too. I will actually make them for a meal.

I baked one today for my son for lunch. Yes! I do consider a sweet potatoe a meal...I know , I know...but I also consider home made hummus with fresh bread a meal. I told you we eat wierd.

I know ...
Read more : Sweet potatoes??? | Views : 1101 | Replies : 5


I am finding myself without any time in the day to make my shakes.. I tried making one this afternoon in the car with a half bottle of water, and ended up with french vanilla powder all over me and the car..

so my question is.. how long do these things keep when premade and stuck in the fridge? I have access to a fridge all day. So I would love to premix half a ...
Read more : shakes | Views : 661 | Replies : 8

Too much protein - what do I do?

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I just wanted to eat a pizza and wallow on the couch. I had to keep reminding myself that I've lost 18 pounds and I feel great. I just wanted some comfort food so badly.

Anyhow, today I was still just SO wanting something more - so I ate about 8 oz of grilled salmon. I think it should have been 5 oz but I was just dying.

My ...
Read more : Too much protein - what do I do? | Views : 764 | Replies : 5

Why shouldn't Bars be eaten for the 1st meal of the day?

In one post I read that people should NOT have bars for their first meal of the day.

If there is a reason for this can someone please explain.

I understand why bars are best before evening due to the higher carb and calorie count.

Thank you,
Newbie 8 days old
Read more : Why shouldn't Bars be eaten for the 1st meal of the day? | Views : 837 | Replies : 5

"maintenance is one big plateau..."

thanks so much to serendipity for this quote. i've been nervous thinking about my life when i transition back to all food. although it's a long way off, i think about it. i think one of my strategies will be to perform the slowest transition ever! and hopefully, learn new strategies as i go. but the truth is staring me in the face with this ...
Read more : "maintenance is one big plateau..." | Views : 412 | Replies : 0

something really weird...

I wanted chicken noodle soup for my 5th today, and when I opened the packet, there were no noodles! It was basically just a bouillon..

I don't know what to do? Have half a shake? Or just ignore it??
Read more : something really weird... | Views : 579 | Replies : 4

meringue powder, baking soda, and others.. allowed?

Looking through my pantry, I see things that I would love to cook with, but I don't know if it is allowed.. and alot of them have no nutritional value printed on them.

Baking soda
Baking powder
Cream of Tartar
Meringue powder
gelatin powder
champagne vinegar
olive oils that I infused with different things like rosemary, sage, lemon, basil, jalapeno
sesame oil
peanut oil
safflower oil
sunflower oil
avocado oil
coconut oil
grapeseed ...
Read more : meringue powder, baking soda, and others.. allowed? | Views : 1202 | Replies : 8

Fat Burners?

I'm sure know the answer to this but I wanted to get some feedback...

Can you take fat burners while on Medifast or will that throw things off? I have a bottle of SlimQuick and I really want to take some for 3 reasons...

1) It burns fat quickly (as does Medifast)
2) It suppresses appetite.
3) It has caffiene and I need a boost since I'm avoiding coffee (I love it with cream and ...
Read more : Fat Burners? | Views : 2026 | Replies : 10


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