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Help me with condiments, please!

I looked at the FAQs and found this:

"What is considered "low fat" and "low carb" for the salad dressing. The one I like is 9g carbs and 2g fat. I'm afraid that is too high. Any recomendations for a good thousand island dressing?"

No one answered though.

Personally, I'm using the Walden Farms dressings, and they are yummy. I've been worried about the spices and things I use to zip things up. Can someone ...
Read more : Help me with condiments, please! | Views : 428 | Replies : 1

Messed up...but not on purpose :(

Alright - so I've been fighting this flu/cold whatever this silly thing is that is going round and round in my family. I've managed to stay on program (even when I would have killed for some orange juice) EXCEPT there were a few days that I only had 3 meals and my lean and green or only 4 meals and that was it.

I bought sugar free cough drops and cough syrups BUT then took ...
Read more : Messed up...but not on purpose :( | Views : 378 | Replies : 8

One last question and I'm catching my flight to Seattle!

Hola MF family!

So late tomorrow night/very early morning I am heading to the airport for my trip to Seattle. My flight leaves at 6:05 A.M. EST and is due to land in Seattle at 12:10 PST. I am so excited to see my family...and right about now I'd love to trade snow for rain! :lol:

First, I wondered about eating during my journey. Obviously at one ...
Read more : One last question and I'm catching my flight to Seattle! | Views : 392 | Replies : 6

Why is the Medifast Ranch Better?

I recently purchased some Hidden Valley Ranch (Fat Free) dressing. When I looked at the nutrional stats, I saw this...

Serv. Size - 2tbsp
Calories - 30
Total Fat - 0g
Saturated Fat - 0g
Trans Fat - 0g
Sodium - 310mg
Cholesterol - 0mg
Total Carb - 6g
Fiber - 0g
Sugars - 3g
Protein - 0g

Here is the nutrional information on the medifast brand...

Calories - 70
Total Fat: - 6g
Saturated ...
Read more : Why is the Medifast Ranch Better? | Views : 462 | Replies : 6

Creamer Revisited - Out of Ketosis?

Okay Medifasters...a bit of advice:
Do Not. I repeat DO NOTuse lite non-dairy creamer in your aHwa or shay! I should have heeded Nancy's warning about it being made with corn syrup solids.

Three days ago I had one cup of coffee with one tblsp of LNDC and was mildly hungry but thought nothing of it. Then yesterday, I had two cups of coffee, each with a tblsp of LNDC...soon after that I was HUNGRY! ...
Read more : Creamer Revisited - Out of Ketosis? | Views : 850 | Replies : 1

Help!! I'm starving!!

I need some advice quick!! I am soooo... hungry today. I don't know whats going on. I just had a shake at 2:30 and then my lean and green at 4:30 and I could still eat the house up. Advice please before I do eat the house. I feel like for some reason it has to do with the coffee drink I had at 2:30. I added a shake to 8 oz. coffee. It was ...
Read more : Help!! I'm starving!! | Views : 1145 | Replies : 3

Was this legal???

Ok I saw that if you're a vegetarian you can have a cup of cheese instead of the meat. Can we mix it up for those that just want some cheese? Say have 3 oz. Beef with a 1 oz. peice of string cheese? Also, is the light ranch veggie dip legal so we can have broccoli and dip as our green meal??
Read more : Was this legal??? | Views : 486 | Replies : 3

chocolate pudding soup?

I really like the chocolate pudding. I made some yesterday and took it to work for an afternoon snack. Well, I wound up getting really busy and never got around to eating it (I made up for it by having a late-night shake at home). I figured I would just have the pudding today. Except when I got it out of the refrigerator, it was no longer thick and pudding-y. It was more the consistency ...
Read more : chocolate pudding soup? | Views : 640 | Replies : 11

The Shakes Are Getting Better!

The first two shakes that I tried were vanilla and orange. I thought that both were horrible. I was worried that I was going to hate all of them.

Then came chocolate. It was great. Strawberry and Banana shortly followed and they both were even better!

Tommorow, I plan to go back to the vanilla and orange to see if I am adjusting to the shakes. If I still dislike them though, I have three ...
Read more : The Shakes Are Getting Better! | Views : 581 | Replies : 9


I'm going to start doing the lean and green plan and was wondering if I could eat tuna as a meal?
Read more : Tuna? | Views : 510 | Replies : 3


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