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fiber, queasiness, having trouble geting my meals in...HELP!

this is kinda long but please bear with me, i NEED HELP!!! OK, i was going to ask this question when it was just a fiber and meal trouble issue but now i have to add in the queasiness..

I currently take psyllium husk fiber 2x (4tbls total) daily because of sandbox issues. i don't remember it being a problem before on mf but it is this time. so...when i take the fiber, it makes ...
Read more : fiber, queasiness, having trouble geting my meals in...HELP! | Views : 536 | Replies : 7

Kidney Stones

I had my first (and hopefully my last) kidney stone attack last week. My father had kidney stones, and my brother is plagued with them. I've been completely faithful to MF for 5 weeks, and drinking 64oz water/daily.

While looking on the web for kidney stone info, I've come across many claims that a low-carb diet causes kidney stones. But some say that the ketones may be dislodging stones already present. Or that any deleterious ...
Read more : Kidney Stones | Views : 2372 | Replies : 2

Sour taste

I get a terrible sour taste in my mouth every late afternoon which lasts all night. I thought maybe it was the soup, so I didn't have any soup this week... but the taste still appears.

It's not a metallic taste (I know what that's like), and not a sweet taste. It's what I imagine poop would taste like. Has anyone else experienced this??
Read more : Sour taste | Views : 519 | Replies : 5


Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has any comments on the amount of sodium we are to have each day. I take a little white pill for high blood pressure - which I already know will continue when I am done losing weight. High BP is all through the family. Anyway I just make it point to watch sodium intake. Any ideas on what the norm is for this? I was just curious as I ...
Read more : Sodium | Views : 574 | Replies : 6

Medication and MF

Do you happen to know if any of these meds cause or contribute to weight gain? is anybody doing mf while taking these and how has it affected your loss.


You guys here are such a great help and inspiration, thanks so much!
Read more : Medication and MF | Views : 1493 | Replies : 15

Anyone have gallstones during MF diet?

I think I am having gallbladder problems. Since Saturday I have been having horrible painful attacks during the night and early mornings. At first I thought it was something I ate for my L&G then I thought it was a stomach bug but it has gone on too long and it is too painful.

Yesterday a lightbulb went off and I remembered reading that people losing weight quickly sometimes have gallbladder issues so I researched ...
Read more : Anyone have gallstones during MF diet? | Views : 3256 | Replies : 6

new flavors great

Since I have been back on the plan I have been using my old stock of product. I have allot from the past and didnt want to buy new until I used up the old however I ran out of soup and was down to my favorite Orange shakes (38 Boxes left) and Oatmeal (14 boxes left). I dont care how much you love a flavor you get tired of it if thats all you ...
Read more : new flavors great | Views : 663 | Replies : 6

Support in Motion...

I have only just now started using Support in Motion.. there are some really cool utilities on there.. as a visual person, I am LOVING the graphs and charts and things, and the way I can save special foods like my favorite salad dressings and stuff.. way cooler (and TONS faster) than the excel spreadsheet I was using.
Read more : Support in Motion... | Views : 669 | Replies : 3

New TSFL Blender

Just thought I would let you all know I got one and it is great!!
All of those drinks that I had such a hard time mixing up - now, no problem. The shakes whip up in no time, same with the puddings.
As to the hot drinks, mix them with cold water, blend them up and put in a microwave safe container. Enjoyl! Now I can have my cocoa again. Tried it last winter ...
Read more : New TSFL Blender | Views : 656 | Replies : 5

The flu...

I have what I can only assume is the flu...
I can't get ahold of my doctor.. I just need to know if there is any reason I should not have MF shakes today?

Read more : The flu... | Views : 524 | Replies : 6


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