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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


I have not lost any extra as of today but last night my underwear kept falling down. What a wonderful pain in the rear! :uhuh:
Read more : WEIGHT LOSS SIGNS | Views : 385 | Replies : 6

Houston Texas

I was wondering if there are any MFers in the Houston area that would be interested in meeting? Personally, I could use a little more support while on this journey. I also wouldn't mind a tennis partner or a buddy to walk memorial park with.


Read more : Houston Texas | Views : 539 | Replies : 6

I'm back from Las Vegas

I'm not using my home computer, so I didn't feel like inputing my info, but it is me. I admit that I wasn't very compliant while I was there. but that is something that I can deal with. I plan on starting back fully on the plan on Monday morning (I have two Mothers day meals over the next two days, but otherwise I will be back on the plan today). I haven't officially weighed ...
Read more : I'm back from Las Vegas | Views : 1581 | Replies : 31

By product weight loss

My DH has not been on Medifast with me, but just because I cleared the house out of junk food, chips, crackers, etc when I started on my journey and he has not had access to that kind of stuff at home, plus the fact that he had decided to try to watch what he was eating since I was doing this plan, he has lost 28lbs since I started...

28lbs !!!!! he has lost ...
Read more : By product weight loss | Views : 415 | Replies : 12

Why are the Crackers Okay?

Could someone explain to me why it's okay to eat the MF crackers, which contain 12g of carbs and 1 g of protein, but not non-MF products with similar nutritional profiles (i.e., a couple of croutons in my salad)?

Read more : Why are the Crackers Okay? | Views : 498 | Replies : 4


I'm kind of confused about eating hamburgers.

My L&G meals have basically been vegetarian, with maybe some chicken if I go out to a restaurant. So, I went out and bought some pre-made hamburgers to get some actual meat into my body. I put it on my little George Foreman grill, and then looked at the box and saw 26g of fat!!!!

Does some of this fat come out when I cook it, or am ...
Read more : Hamburgers | Views : 1978 | Replies : 12

Crackers of the Gods

I came home today to find my latest shipment of Medi-food. I have been snack-free for the three weeks I have been on the program, but this time I ordered crackers.

I broke into those bad boys! :whattha: Maybe it's been too long since I've had salty crunchy goodness, but I could swear that little cherubs floated down and sang happy little songs around my head ...
Read more : Crackers of the Gods | Views : 574 | Replies : 12

Mint Bars

Does anyone know when the Chocolate Mint bars will be available again? I tried to order this morning, and they are not avavilable through the website right now. :( They are my favorite, so I hope it's soon!
Read more : Mint Bars | Views : 1100 | Replies : 15

mf fruit drinks

Read more : mf fruit drinks | Views : 387 | Replies : 6

Medifast Program and Udo Oil Blend


I'm on my 2nd day of Medifast (and enjoying the taste of everything so far), and wanted to confirm (or not) something I thought I had read.

As I understand, as the Medifast program does not contain a lot of oils (flax, omega 3 etc), it's been recommended to take an occasional dose of Udo Oil Blend. These additional oils would then assist your gallbladder?

Can anyone confirm/deny this?


Read more : Medifast Program and Udo Oil Blend | Views : 366 | Replies : 3


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