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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Are they any good? My big problem with Medifast has always been that I got tired of everything being so sweet, and nothing felt like real food.

I love eggs, so please tell me that they are good.
Read more : Eggs? | Views : 2647 | Replies : 24

I'm back, people.

Yeah, I fell off of the plan and basically gained back a large portion of what I lost. What that means is that you people will have to deal with me as I get started back on this thing.

This time though, it's all about making sure I get myself off of it properly, as I learned that just stopping for a while and going back doesn't work very well.

I think things will be ...
Read more : I'm back, people. | Views : 1706 | Replies : 24

QUESTION for those who have treated LEG CRAMPS on MF!

OMGosh, I nearly didn't sleep at all last night - I tossed and turned with leg cramps nearly all night. Not the Charlie Horse kind, but the grinding-deep-in-your-leg-achey kind!

So, I am in NEED of a treatment for them - FAST! They still ache today (my calf muscles). I've searched the forum and I know I can have Fast Soup but I don't have any. I *know* I can get potassium OTC but I'd have ...
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Favorite products?

Just curious to what people like - always looking for new ideas :)

Thanks so much!
Read more : Favorite products? | Views : 627 | Replies : 3

Medifasting While in the Hospital?

Ok, so I am schedualed for ankle surgery on Dec 21st and I know I will be required to stay in the hospital at least one night, though it is possible I will be there 2 or 3 nights. Of course there is the standard "nothing to eat or drink for at least 8 hours before surgery". The surgery is supposed to be at 11am, by then I will have been completely "fasting" for about ...
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Fighting your Inner Couch Potato

Well i titled it Inner Couch Potato but my couch potato seems to be internal and external. I guess the question is, there are quite a few on here that just "can't go" without exercising daily. If you miss some time, you feel terrible. WHAT??? <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> I have yet to get to the point of exercising on a regular basis and today starts my 8th week on program. This summer, ...
Read more : Fighting your Inner Couch Potato | Views : 581 | Replies : 6

STARVATION MODE: Fact or Fiction?!?

STARVATION MODE: Fact or Fiction?!?

OK, so I know we’ve ALL heard of the dreaded ‘Starvation Mode’. To be honest, I’ve never given it THAT much thought until the scale stalls for people and people talk of possible starvation mode and not eating enough, etc.

Yesterday I happened upon a picture of the remaining Survivor China contestants on the net. Several of the girls looked incredibly thin - - on one I could see her ...
Read more : STARVATION MODE: Fact or Fiction?!? | Views : 1488 | Replies : 4

Getting What You Want

I’ve been reading (re-reading, actually) one of my favorite books: You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought / A book for people with any life threatening illness - - including life by Peter McWilliams. There’s a lot of profound and very useful stuff in his book! I was given the book when I was 19 and diagnosed with an Inoperable Brain Tumor and told I had roughly a year to live. The book ...
Read more : Getting What You Want | Views : 536 | Replies : 3

My medifast appointment is 12/08/2007

Hi, All

I've deciced to try Medifast, My appointment is today. I recieved my samples in the mail yesterday; 2 of them. I got the dutch chocolate and a chocolate bar. I wondered about the taste. I hope it doesn't taste too bad; I've gotta lose this weight. It's driving me crazy. I would like to lose 50 Pounds; it's gonna be hard, but I know I can do it. I will need lots of ...
Read more : My medifast appointment is 12/08/2007 | Views : 1499 | Replies : 19


I rec'd 2 cases of Choco RTD's the other day, and one full case was missing straws.. are they no longer putting straws on these, or did I just get lucky?
Read more : RTD's | Views : 1363 | Replies : 18


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