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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

I want some soy crisps....(cry)

I want some!!! :( I have to wait though, until I need a large supply of things, so I can get the free shipping. Cause even if I order just one box of mf products, the shipping to Hawaii is like 22.00 , thats what mf charges us Hi people!! It is sad :cry: . I ...
Read more : I want some soy crisps....(cry) | Views : 437 | Replies : 8

Soy crisp addiction and withdrawal

Sigh. I ordered one box to try, and as soon as I tasted 'em, I ordered more. I've been rationing the ones I had, figuring my box would come today.

It did, but it came AFTER I left for work this afternoon. So here I am, crispless and very, very sad. I can't believe how deprived I feel, when I only just started eating the things a week ago!!

Soy crisps? Crack crisps is more ...
Read more : Soy crisp addiction and withdrawal | Views : 1483 | Replies : 15

Should I get low fat or fat free cottage cheese?

I am going to eat about 1/4 cup of cottage cheese along with some chicken tonight. I would prefer fat free, but should I go with low fat?
Read more : Should I get low fat or fat free cottage cheese? | Views : 1431 | Replies : 11

Fat Free Sour Cream?

Sorry for the numerous questions about accepted foods, but I'm trying to create some new meals (since I'm getting a little tired of the same thing every night).

Is fat free sour cream allowed? I checked it's info on nutriondata's website, and it looks fairly innocent...

Suggested Serving - 1oz.
Total Fat - 0g
Saturated Fat - 0g
Trans Fat - 0g
Cholesterol - 3mg
Sodium - 40mg
Total Carbs - 4g
Dietary Fiber - ...
Read more : Fat Free Sour Cream? | Views : 1303 | Replies : 15

Tomato Paste?

Is tomato paste acceptable? I don't really know what is in it.

Here's why I ask...

I had an idea for a quasi-pizza dish. I would put tomato paste, crackers, meat, and some veggies in a bowl and mix it all up!
Read more : Tomato Paste? | Views : 389 | Replies : 5

Emergency PIZZA help

I have had a really long week at work and on Medifast. Today my co-workers all ordered Chinese food- and I went outside and cried. The smell was so overpowering and tempting.

I am dying for a slice of pizza. My teeth are actually aching to chew bread........ I don't know if I am miserable because I have lost no weight since Friday- but every time I think of pizza I start drooling....

My question: ...
Read more : Emergency PIZZA help | Views : 3529 | Replies : 37

For the love of meat.........

Hey guys, I'm sure this is posted on here somewhere, but being the non-computer savy person I am I couldn't find an answer to my question....

So here it goes....I've found listings for what veggies, condiments and drinks we can have but have not found a good listing of different meats, other than chicken, pork tenderloin and water packed tuna....(I am especially wondering about lean ground beef). Please if any one has a good list ...
Read more : For the love of meat......... | Views : 503 | Replies : 7


Ok I'm 23 and I seem to be surrounded by alcohol. As with most young people a typical weekend includes 1-2 nights at a bar. My boyfriend and I have been doing very good. I am on the full Medifast program and he is on a hospital based all liquid 4 shakes a day kinda thing. I'm pretty happy that I actually get food and suprisingly like most of the medifast meals with nothing extra ...
Read more : Alcohol | Views : 736 | Replies : 4

Do You Think FF Kosher Dogs Are OK?

do you guys think 2 fat free** kosher hot dogs would be okay instead of chicken? i can't cook worth crap, but I can micro with the best of em!

the hot dogs are

50 calories each
1.5 grams fat
2 grams carbs
0 sugar
8 protein
Read more : Do You Think FF Kosher Dogs Are OK? | Views : 657 | Replies : 5



Thanks so much for caring. I posted a long update on my previous post if you want to read it.

Thanks a bunch!
Read more : Lulie? | Views : 234 | Replies : 0


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