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Lox/ Cold Salmon Platter

Can you tell I am from New York?

Does anybody else like lox? Usually I will have it on a big bagel slathered with cream cheese as well :) But in staying with the Medifast tradition...

Can I have a cold lox platter with cooked veggies for dinner? Do I just measure a 7- ounce portion?
Read more : Lox/ Cold Salmon Platter | Views : 677 | Replies : 11

How much raw broccoli/cauliflower can I have?

Can someone please help me here. I am reading the Quick Start Guide, but I can't figure out if I can have 2c of raw broccoli/cauliflower or not. I will not be eating a salad. I was gonna use my raw broccoli/cauliflower combo as my salad portion, so I am hoping it is OK to eat the 2 cups. I wanted something different.

Would that be OK?

Read more : How much raw broccoli/cauliflower can I have? | Views : 532 | Replies : 1

How did everyone do this weekend?!

Hello Everyone!

Hope you had a nice 3 day weekend!

I had a little mis-hap - we went to Cracker Barrell - UGH, but I am happy to say I am on MF and after all of that - I didn't gain, but I did excercise too.

I was sooo worried I'd gain.

All of my neighbors are doing a TriAthalon and I am considering doing a Mini-Triathalon in the feels good to ...
Read more : How did everyone do this weekend?! | Views : 480 | Replies : 12

Perils of Homebrewing

I'm a homebrewer. Not just any homebrew, either. I brew meads. For those of you who aren't familiar with meads, they're a honey wine. Think wine, but use honey instead of grapes. Because of the different chemistry, it takes a good 12-18 months to brew a batch of mead, and even then, they only get better with age. A good 10-year old homebrewed mead is fantastic! I've made blackberry, blueberry, pinapple, vanilla meads and even ...
Read more : Perils of Homebrewing | Views : 348 | Replies : 8

Anyone see Over the Hedge?

I took my daughter to the drive-in last night to see this and it hit home regarding food.

Even though it's from an animal's point of view, in the beginning they talked about how humans just keep eating and eating and how food has become so important in their lives.

I really hope that I will come out of this with an understanding that food is fuel and not a pleasure activity.
Read more : Anyone see Over the Hedge? | Views : 317 | Replies : 7

Would it be a Big Deal

to do the complete fast for a few days and then one or two days of the 5 & 1? i really prefer the complete program, but i have found that after a few days i really need one meal. then i'm fine.
what do you guys think?
Read more : Would it be a Big Deal | Views : 387 | Replies : 4

Tell me I didn't mess up again!~


Here I am thinking too much again. OK here we go. I had a taco salad for me L&G (just meat, tomatoes, lettuce and a little taco sauce). But then I thought I would get inventive and spruce it up some by using a pack of my soy crisps on it for some extra crunchiness. It wasn't bad, but I will not waste my soy crisps on it again. They are better alone.

Anyway, ...
Read more : Tell me I didn't mess up again!~ | Views : 461 | Replies : 6


Do you think this works for L&G???
White Fish (usually Halibut)
Lime Juice ( for cooking, you do not drink it, just a little with the fish)
Red Peppers

The fish is cooked in the lime, and cut everything else and combine
Is very good!!!!
Read more : Ceviche??? | Views : 1212 | Replies : 5

Lactose intolerant?

I have been on program for about 8.5 weeks. For the past 4 or 5 days I have been having a gurgling tummy; sometimes it's so loud that you'd swear there was an earthquake or something :headphones: going on. It doesn't usually start this until mid-afternoon (after I've had 3 or 4 MF meals). At times I feel bloated and gassy as well. Two days ago and ...
Read more : Lactose intolerant? | Views : 2684 | Replies : 5

Hi All Im back!

Hi Everyone! Ive missed you. Life for me has finally slowed down a little bit and I look forward to chattin with you all some more. May was a wash for me as far as weight lost but I was ECSTATIC to have maintained. I had so many functions going on that I pretty much stayed on the maintenance plan, which was good because now I know that maintenance will be a breeze. I look ...
Read more : Hi All Im back! | Views : 272 | Replies : 3


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